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    Political Bloc: Al-Kazemi's Government Failed Miserably In Fighting Corruption

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Political Bloc: Al-Kazemi's Government Failed Miserably In Fighting Corruption Empty Political Bloc: Al-Kazemi's Government Failed Miserably In Fighting Corruption

    Post by Rocky Sun 06 Mar 2022, 5:31 am

    [size=38]Political Bloc: Al-Kazemi's Government Failed Miserably In Fighting Corruption
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    LAST UPDATE 03/06/2022 | 1:11 PM
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    Information / Baghdad….
    The head of the Bayaraq Al-Khair bloc, MP Aslabiq Muhammad Al-Khalidi, confirmed, on Sunday, that the current caretaker government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi “failed” miserably in fighting corruption in Iraq.
    Al-Khalidi said in an interview with “Information” that “Al-Kazemi’s government came with the slogan of fighting corruption in the country, but nothing was achieved and it failed miserably in achieving any of its goals, stressing that several reasons stand behind the failure, most notably the political quotas that impede the accountability of the parties accused of corruption.”
    Al-Khalidi added, “According to the constitution and its contents, it is not permissible for a law to form committees such as the Abu Ragheef Committee and the role of the Iraqi judiciary in such situations of action, because it is necessary to prevent the birth of such committees far from the general constitutional framework in the country.”
    He pointed out that "getting rid of quotas is the real beginning of getting rid of quotas, and otherwise, all anti-government campaigns will end without results." finished/ 25 f
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