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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hours after the Council of Ministers opened the import of all prohibited goods, agriculture was "ang

    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Hours after the Council of Ministers opened the import of all prohibited goods, agriculture was "ang Empty Hours after the Council of Ministers opened the import of all prohibited goods, agriculture was "ang

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Mar 2022, 2:52 pm

    [size=30]Hours after the Council of Ministers opened the import of all prohibited goods, agriculture was "angry" at attempts to turn Iraq into a consumer market.

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    Yes Iraq: Baghdad

    In an angry tone, the Ministry of Agriculture spoke about attempts to destroy Iraqi agriculture and turn Iraq into a consumer market for what neighboring countries cultivate and supply it with hard currency, hours after the cabinet decision to open the door for import for all crops banned from import for two months, in an attempt to control the price hike.
    The technical agent of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mithaq Abdel Hussein, said in a statement to the official agency, followed by “Yes Iraq,” that “there are three crops that have achieved self-sufficiency, namely dates, tomatoes and potatoes,” noting that “we were able to export some of these quantities and we opened the door to export for these commodities, In addition to opening the door for exporting eggs, "the ministry called on exporters to protect this product from the policy of dumping, which is caused by deliberate smuggling."
    He considered that "there is an attempt to strike the infrastructure of the productive agricultural sectors and to strike the economy," stressing that "the Ministry of Agriculture is determined to confront these attempts."
    He added, "Agricultural commodities are competitive commodities, and there are producing countries and countries that are intended to be consumers only, in addition to the collapse in the currencies of neighboring countries in general, and therefore there is a desire for Iraq to be a popular market that supplies these countries with hard currency, and therefore you only find Exporting is a way to withdraw hard currency from Iraq, and one of these means is the export of agricultural materials to Iraq.”
    He added, "Agriculture differs from the rest of the sectors as it is related to a season, as the loss of the agricultural season means the loss of an entire year, and therefore the agricultural initiative has set priorities for it, on top of which is supporting strategic crops and supporting infrastructure for livestock projects as well as agricultural requirements, including irrigation and other aspects and activities that support agricultural activity.
    The “angry” talk of agriculture came hours after the cabinet’s decision to open the door for importing prohibited items and commodities to control the high prices.
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