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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    President Barzani: All the world's money is not worth the greatness of a martyr, but compensating th

    Admin Assist
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    President Barzani: All the world's money is not worth the greatness of a martyr, but compensating th Empty President Barzani: All the world's money is not worth the greatness of a martyr, but compensating th

    Post by Rocky Sun 31 Jul 2022, 5:16 am

    [size=30]President Barzani: All the world's money is not worth the greatness of a martyr, but compensating the families of the Anfal people is a moral responsibility[/size]

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    Erbil (Kurdistan 24) - President Masoud Barzani said today, Sunday, that all the world's money is not worth the greatness of the remains of one of our martyrs, but compensating the families of the martyrs is a moral responsibility of the federal government, and Baghdad should assume its responsibilities in this regard.
    President Barzani's statements came during a funeral ceremony for the remains of 100 Barzani victims of the notorious Anfal operations launched by the former Baathist regime against the Kurds in the eighties of the last century.
    In addition to President Barzani, Kurdistan Regional President Nechirvan Barzani, former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein attended the ceremony.
    President Barzani said, "On a day like today, 39 years ago, the Baathist dictatorship killed 8,000 innocent people, with extreme brutality, in the deserts of southern Iraq, and they were between 12 and 90 years old, and all their fault was that they were Barzani."
    He added that "what happened is a wound that will not heal," stressing at the same time that efforts are being made at the international level to gain recognition of the Anfal crime as a genocide.
    President Barzani called on Baghdad to compensate the families of the victims and said: "All the world's money is not worth the bones of any of our martyrs, but compensation for the families of the martyrs is a moral responsibility that falls on the shoulders of the federal government, and Baghdad must fulfill its duties in this regard."
    During the ceremony, wreaths were laid on the coffins containing the remains of the victims, before burial in the Barzanis Al-Anfal cemetery in the Barzan region.
    On July 31, 1983, the Iraqi Revolutionary Guard launched a campaign against the Barzanis, where these forces collected 8,000 people from them, and those who killed them.
    And then Saddam Hussein's regime carried out other Anfal operations against the Kurds, which began on February 22, 1988, and continued until September 6 of the same year.
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