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    Why did the Kurdistan Democratic Party succeed in what others failed?

    Admin Assist
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    Why did the Kurdistan Democratic Party succeed in what others failed? Empty Why did the Kurdistan Democratic Party succeed in what others failed?

    Post by Rocky Wed 09 Nov 2022, 4:56 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Why did the Kurdistan Democratic Party succeed in what others failed?[/size]

    [size=45]Man goes through different life stages, each with its own characteristics and features, starting with birth, childhood, youth, old age, old age, and then the end and decay. It has stages and the path of my life begins with strength and ends with weakness and demise.. If these are the stages that states and empires go through, then political entities such as parties are no exception to them.[/size]
    [size=45]So how can a party belonging to a politically volatile region like the Middle East resist this life law, and continue the struggle for seventy-six years, moving between armed struggle and political struggle, leading both with the same force and influence, and renewing itself at every stage according to what its circumstances dictate, to lead a people that does not possess A state, surrounded by hostile countries and plotting against him to eliminate any political ambition of his?[/size]
    [size=45]The main reason for the survival and permanence of the Kurdistan Democratic Party over the past decades may be the nature of the personalities who led it in its various stages. Those personalities were characterized by clarity, honesty, strength, and the depth of their roots in the Kurdish society, which made every Kurdish individual “even if he did not belong to this party” to feel that this party is his party, expressing his wishes and looking forward to achieving his ambitions. In addition to the great humility and politeness that were characterized by these personalities, which gives the impression to the interviewer that he is in front of distinguished personalities who impose their respect on the enemy before the friend.[/size]
    [size=45]In addition to the above, there are other reasons that made the Kurdistan Democratic Party strongly present in the political arena for seventy-six years. We can summarize them in the following points: –[/size]
    [size=45]The Kurdistan Democratic Party is unique among all the Kurdish and Iraqi parties, and even the parties in the region, that it advances the ranks of the people in response to calamities, and at the same time does not evade responsibility for the failures experienced by the Kurdish struggle, and also does not try to monopolize the victories even if he is the maker of them.[/size]
    [size=45]Moderation, whose approach has been necessary since the beginning of its formation, although the Kurdish problem is a national problem that imposed itself as a reaction to the emergence of nation-states in the region, but the Kurdistan Democratic Party created a balance between the struggle for national rights and not drifting into nationalist extremism in its performance. It did not adopt ideologies Stereotypical nationalism, as did the nationalist parties to other peoples. Rather, he maintained his overall human balance.[/size]
    [size=45]The Kurdistan Democratic Party did not confine itself to the boundaries of partisanship, but rather exceeded it. It presented itself as a tent for the unity of the Kurdistani people with all their political currents. It included in its ranks nationalist thought, Islamic thought, and leftist thought, not only from the Kurds, but from all the components of the Kurdistan people. Despite the different ideas of these currents and their differences from each other, the Kurdistan Democratic Party was able to adapt all of them to serve the Kurdish struggle with the same moderate view that it adopts, away from the extremism that those ideas suffer from in the parties that adopt it, and thus the Kurdistan Democratic Party has exceeded the limits of being just a party organization.[/size]
    [size=45]Its success in all its stages of struggle... It is rare, according to the struggle experiences of peoples, for a party to succeed in managing both the political struggle and the armed struggle. However, the Kurdistan Democratic Party was able to break that rule, and successfully led the two phases. His activity began with armed action through the Kurdish revolution, and after the victory of the revolution and his transition to the political struggle, he succeeded in the stage of managing the state, and the political and security stability that the region is witnessing is nothing but the fruit of that success.[/size]
    [size=45]Despite the many conspiracies that were hatched against the Kurdistan Democratic Party to eliminate it by competing Kurdish parties, successive Iraqi governments, and even regional parties, it was able to withstand these conspiracies. He remained a difficult figure in the struggle arena in the region, while the competing Kurdish parties were closed down and the Iraqi governments fell and those regional governments that conspired against him became from the past, which led to an increase in the Kurdish street's confidence in him and the rallying around him.[/size]
    [size=45]His insistence on continuing the struggle despite the difficult circumstances… The Kurdistan Democratic Party is the only party in the region that succeeded in igniting two revolutions despite the challenges of the international and regional circumstances surrounding it. The conspiring parties against him, ignited the fuse of the second revolution “the Golan revolution”, based only on his belief in his cause and the support and cohesion of the Kurdistan people with him.[/size]
    [size=45]One of the most dangerous stages that any party is going through is the death of its founder while he is still engaged in an armed struggle.. The Kurdistan Democratic Party has gone through those circumstances and won over them. What increased the severity of that stage on him is that the death of its leader, Khaled Barzani, came while the party is still suffering from the consequences of the Algiers agreement conspiracy, and in the process of igniting the fuse of the second revolution, “the Golan Revolution”, was able to overcome these complex and compelling circumstances, and President Masoud Barzani succeeded in preserving the legacy of The revolution and its permanence, and successfully led it to safety.[/size]
    [size=45]The Kurdistan Democratic Party was able to create a unique situation in its relationship with the people, which was not only a relationship of struggle, and was not confined only to the Kurds’ belief in the principles of this party, but a human relationship was formed between them that extended from the beginning of the armed struggle period in the forties of the last century to our time. Three generations who lived through the details of those days, with all their happy and painful memories, victories and setbacks, created that human condition that is difficult to be affected by any blemish.[/size]
    [size=45]His success in balancing between building strong relations with the countries of the region and maintaining the independence of his political decision...Despite the sensitivity of the situation of the Kurdistan Region with the four countries that surround it, the Kurdistan Democratic Party has established relations of mutual trust with those countries through quiet diplomacy that removed all those sensitivities, and at the same time These relations were not at the expense of the independence of the political decision of the party and the regional government. The region maintained its political decision and did not succumb to regional and international pressures, despite the intertwining and conflicting interests of those regional and international powers in many cases... The paradox here is that while the region retained the independence of its political decision, it failed. The federal government, to which the region is supposed to be affiliated, is to maintain the independence of its political decision, and this is another indication of the success of the political performance of the regional government represented by the Kurdistan Democratic Party as the majority party.[/size]
    [size=45]His ability to maintain the peace of his work throughout his revolutionary and political career... It is not easy for a party engaged in an armed struggle to maintain the peace of its approach outside the battlefield, especially if the opposite party is the bloody successive Iraqi governments. However, the Kurdistan Democratic Party did not resort to the same bloody practices against the Arab people in Iraq. Throughout the years of its struggle, the revolution did not carry out a single operation against Arab civilians despite their ability to do so. Rather, it distinguished between its hostility to the Iraqi regimes and the fraternal relationship between the Kurdish and Arab peoples. He did not try to create a Kurdish environment hostile to the Arabs in Kurdistan, but rather established a brotherly feeling among the Kurds towards the Arabs, emphasizing that the revolution is against oppressive regimes and not against the Arab people. Therefore, we have not witnessed cases of killing Arab civilians throughout the history of the Kurdish revolution, neither in Kurdistan nor in Iraq as a whole, and this phenomenon is still evident in Iraqi Kurdistan.[/size]
    [size=45]- His ability to establish civil peace.. On this point, too, the Kurdistan Democratic Party is considered an exception to the rest of the Iraqi parties. At a time when Iraq was suffering from a dirty sectarian war in which people were killed on their identity until 2010, Kurdistan was the only oasis of peace in the desert of Iraq. The two Sunnis, who were fighting in the rest of the Iraqi cities, were living in peace and brotherhood side by side in Iraqi Kurdistan, forgetting the hatred and malice that they were suffering from while they were in other regions of Iraq. Not only that, but all the owners of the opposition thought and different from the prevailing thought in Iraq used to see Kurdistan as their safe haven, and the Kurdistan Democratic Party is still establishing this principle in Kurdistan.[/size]
    [size=45]With this approach and this policy, the Kurdistan Democratic Party was able to continue with the same strength and influence for more than seventy-six years, and to renew itself, categorically, by strides of struggle, which began with the armed struggle and ended with the formation of a stable, secure and prosperous region that surpasses many of the countries in the region, despite the attempts of the enemies of this party inside and outside Kurdistan in Iraq and the region in The demonization of this party in front of its audience and the peoples of the region, the achievements that the Democrat presented and the culture of tolerance and coexistence he was able to spread and establishing good relations with various countries and orientations were enough to show its true image, and it became the object of admiration and appreciation of the Kurdish and Arab streets... It is not the slogans that are concerned with the street, but rather What is achieved on the ground, and the malicious campaigns against him no longer affect the opinion of the street towards him, what is tangible of his policy refutes all these campaigns, so many of those who were hostile to him understand his positions and even support him....There is a truth that says, “When your enemy is not satisfied with you, know that you are on the right path and that you are defending lofty goals.” No one is hostile or conspiring against the tails because they are simply… Tails.[/size]
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