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    Regional Government: Talk about Iran carrying out a ground military operation in Kurdistan is basele

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Regional Government: Talk about Iran carrying out a ground military operation in Kurdistan is basele Empty Regional Government: Talk about Iran carrying out a ground military operation in Kurdistan is basele

    Post by Rocky Tue 29 Nov 2022, 6:00 am

    Regional Government: Talk about Iran carrying out a ground military operation in Kurdistan is baseless

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    2022-11-29 04:48

    Shafaq News/ The official of the Department of Foreign Relations in the Kurdistan Regional Government, Sven Dizi, denied, on Tuesday, what is being circulated about the Iranian forces' intention to invade the territory of the region with the aim of carrying out a ground military operation against the anti-regime Kurdish parties in Tehran.
    "The Dutch Minister of Defense visited the Department of Foreign Relations, and we received her. They discussed in detail the political situation, the economic situation in the region, and the challenges facing the region," Dziye said in an interview with reporters after his meeting with the Dutch Minister of Defense today.
    He added, "The minister said that the region is a major factor in consolidating stability in the region," adding, "We are making efforts to keep it this way, and that the region has never been a place of danger to the national security of neighboring countries."
    "We demanded that efforts be made so that the Kurdistan Region and the Iraqi people as a whole be away from all tensions, and that neighboring countries should respect the country's sovereignty," Diziye said.
    He went on to say that Iran is an important country, and in the past it opened its doors to refugees from the Kurdistan Region, and we have deep-rooted relations with it, indicating that what is being talked about by some Iranian official authorities has no basis.
    The Kurdish government official continued, saying that the region is making efforts to be a factor of stability, and that the region will not allow it to be a place for hostility and destabilization of the security and stability of neighboring countries, whether Iran or Turkey, and we seek through dialogue to solve these problems, calling on Western countries to support the stability of the region and all of Iraq.
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