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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Close to al-Maliki surprised al-Sudani: The trillions are gone.. Where is Nour and the governor?

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    Close to al-Maliki surprised al-Sudani: The trillions are gone.. Where is Nour and the governor? Empty Close to al-Maliki surprised al-Sudani: The trillions are gone.. Where is Nour and the governor?

    Post by Rocky Mon Dec 26, 2022 7:23 am

    Close to al-Maliki surprised al-Sudani: The trillions are gone.. Where is Nour and the governor?

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    2022-12-25 12:16

    Shafaq News/ The prominent Iraqi parliamentarian, Hanan Al-Fatlawi, asked, on Sunday, questions that the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia'a Al-Sudani, seems to have to answer, related to what has become known as the "trillion theft of the century", and the first accused of it, Nour Zuhair, and about the governor of the Central Bank regarding the high exchange rate dollar.

    This came in a tweet written by al-Fatlawi, who is close to the former prime minister and leader of the State of Law coalition, Nuri al-Maliki. 
    Al-Fatlawi said in her tweet in the Iraqi dialect, "Nour, where??.. the trillions are gone.. the governor of the central bank, where??.. the dollar has risen to the ceiling, and our governor may not know!!.. the governor, where??".
    In this tweet, Al-Fatlawi was preceded by another tweet by her parliamentary colleague, Alia Nassif, who wrote Nassif, "On the occasion of the rise of the dollar to 154 thousand dinars and its direction towards 160, we say, 'Sleeping, Sharif al-Suf, and the dollar is suffocating your people.'"
    She explained, "(Sherif Al-Sawf) here is not a person, but rather a system that deserves to be cursed for its corruption, which starts with those who have the idea of ​​the exchange rate and ends with those who oppose its return to 120,000."
    And Nassif continued by saying: "I will see experts speaking about economic theories. Dad, we know your words. We have heard about economic theories at the hands of economics professors."
    And the local markets in Iraq recorded a significant increase in the exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, reaching its peak today, Sunday, when the price of one dollar reached 1540 dinars.
    The Iraqi Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia al-Sudani, announced at the end of last November the recovery of 182 billion Iraqi dinars, as part of the stolen tax secretariats, which was known as the "theft of the century."
    The "theft of the century" became the talk of the Iraqi street, political circles, and others, until its echo spread outside Iraq and was covered by Arab and Western media.
    The "theft of the century" is represented by the disappearance of 3.7 trillion Iraqi dinars (about two and a half billion dollars) from tax secretariat funds, and it was revealed by several concerned parties about two months before the end of the term of the previous government headed by Mustafa Al-Kazemi.
    Following the discovery of the theft, the Commission of Integrity and the Judicial Authority moved to investigate the case, and several judicial arrest warrants were issued. The first arrested was businessman Nour Zuhair, and he was imprisoned, in addition to others, in addition to judicial decisions to confiscate the movable and immovable funds of the person involved in the theft, as well as their families. Zuhair was released on bail.
    The case file is still open to the Iraqi judiciary to reach all its leads, as well as ways to recover the money that was smuggled out of Iraq, according to a number of deputies and politicians.
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