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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by lonelyintexas Mon 08 Jul 2013, 3:41 pm

    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the commercial bank debt investors returned 1.5 billion


    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said: we urge the pace after Iraq from Chapter VII for two, increased wealth, production and diversify sources of income, such as tourism, industry, agriculture, and the second recruit of this wealth of services and reconstruction as worthy citizens.

    Al-Maliki said during a speech while attending the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of TBI. "the commercial bank of Iraq could be retrieved on the amount of debt that have been lending to investors and $ 1 billion and a half billion to restore lending again to other investors,"
    pointing out that "the Bank has gone through difficult circumstances and practices were incorrect but soon took measures to correct the path and put things to right and effectively and powerfully".

    Al-Maliki said that the most important ceremony in banking is Neil Iraq and its discharges confidence in the banking community and the possession of the advanced echelons among global banks, adding that the banking system properly and successfully and effectively is one of the most important factors for the success of the reconstruction process in Iraq.

    He praised the major role played by the TBI and achieved the goals for which it was established and a reduction of international sanctions and a window to support the private sector to partner with the public sector to promote and encourage investment and construction opportunities.

    and the Prime Minister said: we have faced a heavy legacy left by the bygone regime, destruction of infrastructure and the blockade and tense relations with the Nations of the world and a big drop in the level of oil production reached 1 million barrels per day but today look forward to raising oil production to nine million barrels per day 2017, as we return Iraq to its natural and address the problems and liabilities for international sanctions and remove Iraq from Chapter VII, again thanks to UN Security Council Member States, the United Nations and to all States which stood with Iraq and helped him get rid of international sanctions left over from the previous regime.

    Maliki offered congratulations and blessings to the Bank's management and business in Iraq with the 10th anniversary of its founding and their efforts to stimulate the economy and support the process of reconstruction.

    And the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Abdul Basit Turki, on the sidelines of the celebration of the commercial bank today, the future of the Iraq economic surprise friends, showing that after coming out of Chapter VII Iraq market must be open to anyone who wants to contribute in accordance with the existing investment laws.

    Turki said that "our performance must be good in order to have an efficient Bank," he said, adding that "the future of Iraq will be economic surprise to friends."

    "The Trade Bank of Iraq has had an important role in the development of foreign trade of Iraq and helped greatly in easing sanctions Chapter VII", noting that "Iraq market must be open to all contestants after the departure of Iraq from Chapter VII."

    "Iraq's market is open to anyone who wants to contribute in accordance with the established investment codes", stating that "Iraq is not poor, and we are trying to shorten the time".

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that a Security Council vote on resolution (2107) remove Iraq from Chapter VII and not partially, indicating that the Iraqi side understanding every word couched in Security Council resolution

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    Interacting Investor
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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by weslin3 Mon 08 Jul 2013, 4:03 pm

     [b style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); font-family: Arial, Verdana, Tahoma, sans-serif; font-size: 11.818181991577148px; line-height: 15.454545021057129px; background-color: rgb(239, 241, 243);"]"Iraq is not poor, and we are trying to shorten the time".[/b]

    Yes, please do.
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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surpri

    Post by Rocky Fri 12 Jul 2013, 11:06 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    Author: newspaper Wrote on: Jul 08, 2013 In: Alara News |

    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said: we urge the pace after Iraq from Chapter VII for two, increased wealth, production and diversify sources of income, such as tourism, industry, agriculture, and the second recruit of this wealth of services and reconstruction as worthy citizens.

    Al-Maliki said during a speech while attending the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of TBI. "the commercial bank of Iraq could be retrieved on the amount of debt that have been lending to investors and $ 1 billion and a half billion to restore lending again to other investors," pointing out that "the Bank has gone through difficult circumstances and practices were incorrect but soon took measures to correct the path and put things to right and effectively and powerfully".

    Al-Maliki said that the most important ceremony in banking is Neil Iraq and its discharges confidence in the banking community and the possession of the advanced echelons among global banks, adding that the banking system properly and successfully and effectively is one of the most important factors for the success of the reconstruction process in Iraq.

    He praised the major role played by the TBI and achieved the goals for which it was established and a reduction of international sanctions and a window to support the private sector to partner with the public sector to promote and encourage investment and construction opportunities. and the Prime Minister said: we have faced a heavy legacy left by the bygone regime, destruction of infrastructure and the blockade and tense relations with the Nations of the world and a big drop in the level of oil production reached 1 million barrels per day but today look forward to raising oil production to nine million barrels per day 2017, as we return Iraq to its natural and address the problems and liabilities for international sanctions and remove Iraq from Chapter VII, again thanks to UN Security Council Member States, the United Nations and to all States which stood with Iraq and helped him get rid of international sanctions left over from the previous regime.

    Maliki offered congratulations and blessings to the Bank's management and business in Iraq with the 10th anniversary of its founding and their efforts to stimulate the economy and support the process of reconstruction.

    And the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Abdul Basit Turki, on the sidelines of the celebration of the commercial bank today, the future of the Iraq economic surprise friends, showing that after coming out of Chapter VII Iraq market must be open to anyone who wants to contribute in accordance with the existing investment laws.

    Turki said that "our performance must be good in order to have an efficient Bank," he said, adding that "the future of Iraq will be economic surprise to friends."

    "The Trade Bank of Iraq has had an important role in the development of foreign trade of Iraq and helped greatly in easing sanctions Chapter VII", noting that "Iraq market must be open to all contestants after the departure of Iraq from Chapter VII."

    "Iraq's market is open to anyone who wants to contribute in accordance with the established investment codes", stating that "Iraq is not poor, and we are trying to shorten the time".

    Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari announced that a Security Council vote on resolution (2107) remove Iraq from Chapter VII and not partially, indicating that the Iraqi side understanding every word couched in Security Council resolution

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by weslin3 Fri 12 Jul 2013, 12:16 pm

    Do this, this week end and that will shorten it all.

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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by Neno Fri 12 Jul 2013, 1:58 pm

    "The Trade Bank of Iraq has had an important role in the development of foreign trade of Iraq and helped greatly in easing sanctions Chapter VII", noting that "Iraq market must be open to all contestants after the departure of Iraq from Chapter VII." wrote:
    Ok, hope the leniency isn't to long... ;)
    day dreamer
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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by day dreamer Fri 12 Jul 2013, 3:18 pm

    Al-Maliki said during a speech while attending the celebration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of TBI. "the commercial bank of Iraq could be retrieved on the amount of debt that have been lending to investors and $ 1 billion and a half billion to restore lending again to other investors," pointing out that "the Bank has gone through difficult circumstances and practices were incorrect but soon took measures to correct the path and put things to right and effectively and powerfully".

    And the Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq Abdul Basit Turki,

    on the sidelines of the celebration of the commercial bank today, the future of the Iraq economic surprise friends, showing that after coming out of Chapter VII Iraq market must be open to anyone who wants to contribute in accordance with the existing investment laws.

    Turki said that "our performance must be good in order to have an efficient Bank," he said, adding that "the future of Iraq will be economic surprise to friends."

    I like this

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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by Neno Fri 12 Jul 2013, 3:23 pm

    He has been saying this for a week plus now.
    So in reality, anything would be a surprise if it happened... lol!
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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by lauree Fri 12 Jul 2013, 3:26 pm

    I'd like to think of myself as a friend.  :D
    Understood Investor
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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by charlie Fri 12 Jul 2013, 3:47 pm

    Neno wrote:He has been saying this for a week plus now.
    So in reality, anything would be a surprise if it happened... lol!

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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

    Post by Tiffany Fri 12 Jul 2013, 10:18 pm

     ....reached 1 million barrels per day but today look forward to raising oil production to nine million barrels per day 2017, as we return Iraq to its natural and address the problems and liabilities for international sanctions and remove Iraq from Chapter VII, again thanks to UN Security Council Member States, the United Nations and to all States which stood with Iraq and helped him get rid of international sanctions left over from the previous regime.

    I'm liking the 9bil bpd ;-)

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    The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c Empty Re: The Governor of the Central Bank: the future of the Iraq economic friends surprised Al-Maliki: the c

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