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    Nechirvan Barzani: The Iraqi solution is the best solution

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    Nechirvan Barzani: The Iraqi solution is the best solution Empty Nechirvan Barzani: The Iraqi solution is the best solution

    Post by Rocky Mon 10 Apr 2023, 4:26 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Nechirvan Barzani: The Iraqi solution is the best solution[/size]

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    [size=45]Nechirvan Barzani, President of the Kurdistan Region, participated on Saturday morning 4/8/2023 in Baghdad in the ceremony marking the forty-second anniversary of the founding of the Badr Organization, which was attended by the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister of Federal Iraq, a number of ministers, government officials, and Iraqi political parties. President Nechirvan Barzani gave a speech, the text of which is: In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the
    Most Merciful
    , distinguished ladies and gentlemen. The Badr Organization continues its effective role in protecting stability and establishing democracy and federalism in Iraq.
    Also, allow me to congratulate, on behalf of His Excellency President Masoud Barzani, the anniversary of the founding of the leadership and members of the organization, as His Excellency conveyed to me his congratulations and special greetings to Mr. Haj Hadi Al-Amiri.
    Dear attendees…
    The history of the Badr Organization dates back to the era of fighting the dictatorial regime, when the Iraqi opposition parties were waging a very difficult struggle against the former regime. The cooperation between the Iraqi and Kurdish political forces resulted in strengthening the confidence of all components of Iraq in victory.
    From this standpoint, the people rose up against the regime in 1991, and this confidence continued until the regime was overthrown in 2003, and that collective action was the reason for the success of the parties in passing the stage of writing the constitution, which was a very important stage in the contemporary history of the country.
    On this day, while we commemorate the founding of the Badr Organization and the fight against oppression and tyranny, we must remember the leader of the Islamic Resistance and the martyr of the mihrab, His Eminence Sayyid Muhammad Baqir al-Haykim, as this martyr leader made successful efforts in uniting the Shiite and Iraqi Islamic resistance in general, in the face of tyranny.
    Along with my father, President Masoud Barzani and Mam Jalal, he contributed to strengthening the relations between the Islamic Resistance and the Kurdish liberation movement, in addition to the close relationship existing between the Barzan family and the Al-Hakim family and the Shiite supreme authority in Najaf. Today, we strive and strive to keep this relationship with the religious authority strong and strong.
    Dear audience,
    tomorrow will be the ninth of April, the twentieth anniversary of the overthrow of the dictatorship. Now is the time to reflect on this victory achieved as a result of union. Let us think of the two conferences of the Iraqi opposition in London and Salah al-Din, during which a platform for a democratic and federal Iraq was formulated.
    During these twenty years, elections have become part of political life, and this is an important development, as free elections represent everywhere and in every country the spirit of democracy. The representation of components in Parliament was also guaranteed, and Iraq no longer posed a threat to its neighbors. And Iraq has a permanent democratic and federal constitution accepted.
    These are all important and major points in the change of the regime in Iraq. There is no doubt that these twenty years also witnessed a lot of mistakes that we must correct together. In this way, the decline in voter participation in electoral processes can be addressed.
    We all participated in this victory, and each of us, according to the level of his participation, bears responsibility for mistakes and negatives. So far, many laws have not been issued that must be issued in accordance with the constitution, because these laws are the ones that guarantee the success of the new Iraq and the establishment of the federal system in it.
    In Iraq, there is a fact that must always be before our eyes, which is that individualism and ethnic and sectarian discrimination have always been a cause of wars and destruction in the country, so the establishment of a complete federal system and the achievement of equality between the components are the only way for Iraq's stability and progress. The bitter experiences of the past have caused a lot of harm to the general public. For the sake of all components of Iraq, we must learn from those experiences.
    Iraq will be stable and victorious when the Shiites, Sunnis, Kurds, Christians, Turkmens and other components find themselves partners and victors in it. A diverse Iraq will win, but an Iraq of one color will not win. And the history of one hundred and two years ago clearly confirms this.
    Dear attendees...
    I feel very happy when I find my honorable brother Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, the Prime Minister of federal Iraq, trying and working hard to implement the ministerial curriculum, and this is supported and supported by everyone. And we in the Kurdistan Region will continue by all means to support this approach of His Excellency the Prime Minister, and we have informed all our friends and partners of our position.
    The agreement to resume exports of the Kurdistan Region's oil is a major step towards a broader solution. Here, I commend the Prime Minister of federal Iraq and the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Region, Mr. Masrour Barzani, the two negotiating teams and the parties to the State Administration coalition.
    We said it from the beginning, that the “Iraqi solution” is the best solution. And if we all come back to this solution, we will be able to solve all the problems. We could all have searched for other solutions, but the right path ahead of us all is inside Iraq.
    The Iraqi solution enhances the sovereignty and victory of Iraq. It strengthens the people's confidence in the authority, and consolidates trust between the components of Iraq.
    If we take the Iraqi solution as an intention and a goal, we will be able to be assured of stability in the present and our victory in the future. The Iraqi solution succeeds through partnership and dialogue, and we have the spirit of this partnership, which is represented by the Iraqi constitution.
    Ten years ago, His Excellency President Masoud Barzani, with pure intent and based on a strategic vision, called on all Iraqi parties to sit together and block the road to a major catastrophe, and to return to the constitution. Unfortunately, this did not happen, and catastrophic events and disasters occurred in Iraq and the region. As for today, there is a new situation that brings comfort, and we believe that the ground is now suitable for dialogue on all challenges, so it is important to start with pure hearts and national visions and solutions.
    Iraq faces many new local and regional challenges, so it is necessary that we do not leave the outstanding problems in order to face the new problems and challenges. One of those challenges is the dangers of climate change. Iraq is one of the five countries most affected by climate change globally, and this calls for huge strategic projects on the part of the Iraqi government and parliament.
    In conclusion, I repeat my congratulations to the brothers and sisters in the Badr Organization, and I call on all leaders and national political parties to dialogue with pure hearts in this holy month, the blessed month of Ramadan, to work to solve all problems and for a better life for all of our people in Iraq who deserve it.
    Thank you very much and I wish you good times.[/size]
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