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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Frame: Al-Halbousi's era will end immediately after the budget is approved

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Frame: Al-Halbousi's era will end immediately after the budget is approved Empty Frame: Al-Halbousi's era will end immediately after the budget is approved

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 May 2023, 5:10 am

    [size=52]Frame: Al-Halbousi's era will end immediately after the budget is approved[/size]
    • Today 11:18


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     Information / Baghdad.
     The leader in the coordination framework, Jabbar Odeh, confirmed, on Tuesday, that the Sunni forces are anticipating their decision to change Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi at the end of next June.

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     Odeh said in an interview with Al-Maalouma, that "changing the top of the pyramid in the legislative authority in Iraq has become a reality," noting that "there is a movement led by 7 Sunni forces towards replacing the presidency of Parliament."
    He added, "It is difficult to proceed with the change of Muhammad al-Halbousi while directing the parliament's attention towards the budget, so all expectations are that the Sunni forces will make their choice at the end of next June."
    He pointed out that "all political forces, including the framework, are waiting for the Sunni forces to decide on options to interact with them," noting that "the decision whether or not al-Halbousi remains is up to the Sunni forces."
     And the political analyst, Ibrahim Al-Sarraj, had confirmed in a statement to Al-Maalouma that the coordination framework with the dismissal of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Muhammad Al-Halbousi. Ended 25 F

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