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    Baghdad reveals 4 buyers for the oil of the Kurdistan region

    Admin Assist
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    Baghdad reveals 4 buyers for the oil of the Kurdistan region Empty Baghdad reveals 4 buyers for the oil of the Kurdistan region

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 May 2023, 4:47 am

    [rtl]Baghdad reveals 4 buyers for the oil of the Kurdistan region[/rtl]

    economy  ,  2023/05/26 10:19  , Number of readings: 174 
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    [rtl]Baghdad - Iraq today:

    Iraqi Oil Minister Hayan Abdul Ghani said that an "excellent" agreement had been signed with 4 major buyers of Kurdistan's oil to export between 400,000 and 500,000 barrels per day, adding, "Turkey has informed us that it is examining the system to ensure that it is not damaged. 

    Abdul Ghani added, from Jeddah, to reporters, “The regional government and the federal government signed an agreement to export oil from the Kurdistan region, which is a good agreement. The purpose of the agreement is for the Oil Marketing Company to start the process of marketing and selling crude oil. Turkey has been informed that Iraq is ready to export this amount of oil.” oil.” 

    He pointed out, "We have informed our brothers in Turkey that the system will be examined for possible damage caused by the earthquake in the region, and therefore the ball is now in Turkey's court." "We hope the problem will be resolved soon," Abdul-Ghani said. [/rtl]
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    Admin Assist
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    Baghdad reveals 4 buyers for the oil of the Kurdistan region Empty An Economist Reveals The Amendment Of Four Articles Related To The Region's Share Of The Budget

    Post by Rocky Fri 26 May 2023, 5:22 am

    An Economist Reveals The Amendment Of Four Articles Related To The Region's Share Of The Budget

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    Earth News / Today, Friday, economist Nabil Al-Marsoumi revealed the amendment of four articles related to the region's share of the budget.
    Al-Marsoumi said, in a clarification followed by Earth News Agency, that “the Parliamentary Finance Committee voted on several amendments related to Kurdistan: First, an amendment was made in Article 13, second, a, as Kurdistan is committed, according to the government version of the budget, to export no less than 400,000 barrels per day, while this paragraph became After the amendment, it stipulates that the region will deliver the crude oil produced in its fields at a rate of not less than 400,000 barrels per day to the Ministry of Oil for export through SOMO or for use locally in Iraqi refineries. This amendment has added a kind of complication to the relationship between the center and the region because of the technical difficulties related to the delivery of the region’s oil to the center on the one hand, and because of the stripping of the center of the authority to export oil on the other hand.
    He added, “Secondly, Paragraph C of the same article was amended, which stipulated the commitment of the Ministry of Finance to pay the region’s dues monthly and to make accounting settlements on a quarterly basis, meaning that the region was receiving its dues in the 2023 budget before the oil was delivered, but in the new amendment, it obligated the region to pay His oil and non-oil revenues before receiving his share of the budget.
    And Al-Marsoumi continued, “Third: Article 14 was amended first, which stipulated that the total revenues of the region’s oil be deposited in one bank account, and after the amendment, the region became obligated to deposit oil revenues in a bank account that would be opened in the Central Bank of Iraq in Jane. The region was seeking to open the account in Citibank. ".
    He concluded, "Fourth, preventing the region from extracting oil from the fields of Kirkuk and Nineveh, which are currently under the control of the Kurdistan government, which currently constitutes more than a third of the region's production of crude oil."
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