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    China acknowledges: Iraq is our third largest trading partner among Arab countries

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    China acknowledges: Iraq is our third largest trading partner among Arab countries Empty China acknowledges: Iraq is our third largest trading partner among Arab countries

    Post by Rocky Wed 12 Jun 2024, 6:48 am

    China acknowledges: Iraq is our third largest trading partner among Arab countries

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Today, Wednesday, the representative of the Chinese Embassy, ​​the Commercial Counselor of the People's Republic of China in Iraq, Xu Chun, revealed cooperation between the Ministry of Higher Education and Huawei to build the Information Technology Academy, while noting that Iraq is China's third largest trading partner among Arab countries.
    During the conference on smart education, in cooperation with Huawei Technology, Chun expressed his "happiness to attend the smart education event organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq in cooperation with Huawei."
    He added, "Iraq is one of the first Arab countries to establish diplomatic relations with China," noting that "the Iraqi government worked to actively manage governance and achieved remarkable results in maintaining social stability, advancing economic reform, and improving infrastructure and public services."
    He pointed out that "China is Iraq's largest trading partner and China's third largest trading partner among Arab countries," noting that "the support from the two governments has led to progress in some projects of commercial and social value and a continuous deepening of cooperation in the fields of energy, infrastructure, and others." .
    He added, "With the continuous development of information technology and its in-depth application, the demand for digital transformation in Iraq has increased. Since the end of last year, the Iraqi government has given great importance to accelerating the digital transformation process, and there have been a series of developments in the field of electronic passports and other government services."
    He continued, “We are pleased to see cooperation between Huawei, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and local universities to build the ICT Academy, which aims to provide online lessons, provide a global exchange and competition platform for teachers and students, encourage students to obtain Huawei’s professional and technical certificate, and develop talents.” Innovation and technology applied to society and the ICT industry chain.”
    He explained, "President of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, stressed in his speech during the opening session of the tenth session of the ministerial meeting of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum, deepening cooperation, following up on the work of the past, paving the way for the future, and accelerating the pace of building the Chinese-Arab community for a common future."
    He continued, "The digital age represents the key to accelerating the improvement of the digital infrastructure on a large scale, enhancing the infrastructure of networks, computing and applications in a coordinated manner and linking them with data for continuous economic and social development," expressing his "aspiration for more cooperation with Chinese companies." "To exchange experiences and cooperate with the Iraqi government and companies and actively participate in the digital transformation process in Iraq, in order to continue to advance the strategic partnership relations between China and Iraq to a higher level."
    For his part, CEO of Huawei Iraq, William Yang, said: “We are keen to employ our global capabilities and expertise to develop and hone the skills of local talent and provide a full range of education digitization solutions designed for Iraq.”
    He continued, "The partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education will provide Iraqi students with access to the latest technologies and recognized certificates in this field, instilling and strengthening a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as promoting the establishment of an effective smart campus by strengthening the basic education network and simplifying cloud platforms." And implementing smart classroom applications. 
    He added, "Given our confidence in the excellence of Iraqi talent at the regional and global levels, we are convinced that this cooperation will have a positive and sustainable transformative impact on the information and communications technology sector in Iraq, leading to bridging the digital gap, creating more job opportunities, and driving economic and social growth in Iraq." "The country."
    He pointed out that “the Huawei ICT Competition, which is held annually, focuses on developing scientific and technological talent by highlighting realistic practices and needs in the technology sector, as well as urging participants to design innovative solutions that contribute to creating social and commercial value using modern technologies.” The “Seeds for the Future” program also provides young talents with training courses and participation in international competitions that enhance the presence of intercultural exchange and the transfer of knowledge and experiences,” pointing out that “the programs include activities for graduates that focus on adopting the use of digital technology, in a way that enhances entrepreneurship and supports paths of development and growth.” Various sectors and industries.
    He stressed, "Huawei, as a leading global company in providing infrastructure and smart devices for information and communications technology, is committed to putting its capabilities and expertise to develop the information and communications technology sector in the countries in which it operates, and its business strategy aims to harness technology to advance social and economic sustainability in the long term." .

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    Added 06/12/2024 - 2:24 PM
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