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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Barzani visits Baghdad on a Kurdish delegation to discuss launching the County salaries

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Barzani visits Baghdad on a Kurdish delegation to discuss launching the County salaries Empty Barzani visits Baghdad on a Kurdish delegation to discuss launching the County salaries

    Post by day dreamer Tue 18 Nov 2014, 8:48 am

    Barzani visits Baghdad on a Kurdish delegation to discuss launching the County salaries
    The Kurdistan Alliance Deputy said Sherine Reza, Tuesday, President of the Kurdistan Regional Government nechirvan Barzani would travel to Baghdad on Wednesday, a Kurdish government delegation to discuss the launch of salaries of the territory.
    Raza said the agency/information/, "the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government nechirvan Barzani will head a Government delegation to visit Baghdad on Wednesday to discuss the recent oil agreement between the Centre and the region."
    "The visit is in good faith to resolve the outstanding issues between the parties and to discuss the launch of Kurdistan salaries stopped by Baghdad since the beginning of the year,"
    Noting that "Barzani will meet Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi and Ministers in the Government."
    The Governments and the KRG recently announced a "comprehensive" agreement on the outstanding issues between the two sides in oil. Over 25 a

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