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    Interior Minister discuss with the Vice President of the Republic a number of important files

    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

    Posts : 1877
    Join date : 2012-12-21
    Location : Gulf Coast

    Interior Minister discuss with the Vice President of the Republic a number of important files Empty Interior Minister discuss with the Vice President of the Republic a number of important files

    Post by Bama Diva Tue 30 Dec 2014, 6:52 pm

    Interior Minister discuss with the Vice President of the Republic a number of important files

    Mon Dec 29 2014 twenty-two past five p.m. | (Voice of Iraq) - 
    - a statement issued by the Information Office of Mr. Osama Najafi, Vice President of the
     Republic the name of God the Merciful complement exerted effort by Mr. Osama Najafi, Vice President of the Republic to work and deal with terrorism of organized Daash, and implementation of the responsibility entrusted to it in the maintenance edit Nineveh file, Mr. Najafi visited Monday afternoon, December 29, 2014 the Ministry of Interior, and was received by Mr. Mohammed Salem 
    Ghaban .. 

    was in the meeting discuss and debate the important files, as editor of Nineveh, and the work and achievements of the Ministry of 
    Interior and plans, the security situation and developments in the confrontation with al Daash terrorist .. 
    where Mr. Najafi emphasized the following matters:

    Thanks, Mr. Minister Mohammed Salem Ghaban for his efforts in reform and development, stressing his optimism the new approach of the government, and is confident Mr. Minister. 

    confirmed that the security file within cities should be handled by the Ministry of Interior therefore for its expertise in this area as well as the police man destined mainly for this kind of work, and the Ministry of the Interior is best able to implement the law by virtue of their competence, so that the army it is known in the defense of the country and protect its sovereignty missions.
    He pointed to the apparent progress in the process of liberalization, He praised the victories achieved against terrorism, called Il police take responsibility for the liberated areas and help people return to their homes ..
    emphasized that the war against terrorism should not be an excuse to harm any citizen, should differentiate between deviant individuals who helped Daash and participated in the crimes and the their families, and do not download clans responsibility deviation of their members .. 

    pointed to the religious and ethnic diversity in the province of Nineveh, and the importance of respect in the editing operations to areas residents have help security forces in Tahrir and the extension of State authority and the law after the liberation, and not permanently allow the liquidation of accounts outside the rule of law and the principles of justice .
    Mr. Najafi stressed the critical importance of the theme of human rights and personal freedoms and respect by state agencies all .. 
    called to support the liberalization of Nineveh and involvement camp in editing operations.
    For his part, Mr. Minister welcomed the visit of Mr. Vice President of the Republic is certain to see the Ministry of Interior in the 
    strategic security work and the importance of applied quickly to achieve positive results reinforce the confidence of the citizen security services and his desire to support and attribution, the minister stressed vision focused on the following matters:
    should the Ministry of Interior responsible for the security file, especially in the city of Baghdad, and for this purpose has been 
    prepared an ambitious plan that would narrow the terrorists and facilitate citizen movement and daily life. 
    activate intelligence work in the face of terrorism, to reduce the human and material sacrifices. 
    involve the police man the security effort year as well as the support of competence, and the development of professional work based on law and order. 

    addressing any group carrying weapons outside the scope of the state no matter what. 
    stressed the importance of supporting Mr. Najafi and political leaders to see the ministry, some of wills is still working to derail the reform process. The meeting addressed many things that are in support of the effort for liberation and justice and the maintenance of order .. The meeting was attended by Dr. Ahmed electrodes head of the Alliance of Iraqi forces in the the House of Representatives, Mr. architectural student member of the House of Representatives and the team Undersecretary of Interior for the police and a number of officials ..

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