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    4000 US Troops to Kuwait

    Interacting Investor
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    Posts : 4285
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    Location : San Antonio

    4000 US Troops to Kuwait Empty 4000 US Troops to Kuwait

    Post by lonelyintexas Sat 14 Feb 2015, 9:25 am

    SATURDAY FEBRUARY 14, 2015 15:45

    Twilight News / orientation towards 4000 US troops to Kuwait, where he will make up the largest US ground combat force in the Middle East with the intensification of the war on the organization "Daash" in Iraq and Syria.

    alt The move comes in conjunction with the start of the US Congress to consider options in the war on organizing "Daash" in Iraq, after President Barack Obama asked him a mandate for this war.

    And established the soldiers who belong to the Third Infantry Corps base at Fort Carson, Colorado, concert and calling at their headquarters, before the start of their journey to Kuwait.

    These soldiers will be a reserve force for the US Central Command in the Middle East, and they will be the first US ground force entering the battle, if you decide to use American ground forces in the fight against "Daash" in Iraq.

    The Legion armed with tanks and vehicles, "Bradley", and a lot of soldiers who were previously engaged in combat missions in Iraq, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai reported and seen by "Twilight News".

    He said the corps commander Colonel Greg Sierra soldiers during the ceremony that "the proliferation in that region is not new for us," adding, "We are very well prepared for this task."

    The soldiers trained on the job for more than a year, to renew the skills they had acquired during a decade of fighting the insurgency in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Obama was asked Wednesday authorization from Congress for the war effort against the "Daash" for three years, but new to say that his country is a large ground forces would not be used in this war.

    However, the authorization requested by Obama, includes flexibility for the use of ground troops if "originated unforeseen circumstances so warrant."

    These "unforeseen circumstances" that made the soldiers' families concerned regarding this deployment, where some members of these families said they were more scared of previous deployments because of the violent and dangerous nature of the organization, "Daash."

    The wife of one of the soldiers said "It's scary. I do not want to send anyone out there. If we were forced to send troops to fight on the ground, we should not do."

    The soldiers took a break over the weekend with their families, and assured the Sierra to the families of soldiers that if they clashed in battles with militants "Daash" the result will be a foregone conclusion to their advantage.

    He pointed out in this regard, "in the end if we got to the fighting Fsnfoz decisively."

    Sierra said that the training received by the soldiers, entitling them to do a variety of tasks, ranging from the ongoing humanitarian relief and fighting, he said, adding "We are ready for any emergency."

    The presence of US forces retained the Corps in Kuwait since the end of the Iraq war in 2011. The work of the elements of the corps, which includes two battalions from Fort Carson soldiers, to train soldiers from several countries in the region, including Jordan and the UAE.

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 4285
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Location : San Antonio

    4000 US Troops to Kuwait Empty Re: 4000 US Troops to Kuwait

    Post by lonelyintexas Sat 14 Feb 2015, 10:46 am

    US Ground troops reach Kuwait in preparation for the implementation of its operations in Iraq

    February 14, 2015
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    Baghdad / Iraq News Network

    geared towards 4000 US troops to Kuwait, where he will make up the largest US ground combat force in the Middle East with the intensification of the war on the organization "Daash" in Iraq and Soeria.otata this step in conjunction with the start of the US Congress to consider options in the war to organize "Daash" in Iraq, after President Barack Obama asked him a mandate for this Aharb.oaqam soldiers who belong to the Third Infantry Corps base at Fort Carson, Colorado,

    concert and calling at their headquarters, before the start of their journey to Alkwyt.ocieckl these reserve force soldiers have US Central Command in the Middle East, and they will be the first US ground force entering the battle, if you decide to use American ground forces in the fight against "Daash" in Alarac.ulfalq armed with tanks and vehicles, "Bradley", and a lot of soldiers who were previously engaged in combat missions in Iraq, according to the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Rai reported, said the corps commander Colonel Greg Sierra: soldiers during the ceremony that "the proliferation in that region is not new for us," adding,

    "We are very well prepared for this task," the soldiers .otdrb on this task for more than a year, to renew skills that were acquired during a decade of fighting the insurgency in Iraq and Avganstan.okan Obama has asked Wednesday authorization from Congress for the war effort against the "Daash" for three years, but new to say that his country's large ground forces in this Aharb.ouma will not use it, the authorization requested by Obama, includes flexibility for the use of ground troops if "originated unforeseen circumstances so warrant."

      Current date/time is Fri 28 Jun 2024, 11:31 pm