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    If You Cannot Tell the Truth, Hide the Truth


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    If You Cannot Tell the Truth, Hide the Truth Empty If You Cannot Tell the Truth, Hide the Truth

    Post by Lobo Thu 24 Sep 2015, 12:16 pm

    If You Cannot Tell the Truth, Hide the Truth

    Posted on September 24, 2015 by Martin Armstrong

    If You Cannot Tell the Truth, Hide the Truth Draghi-lagarde.jpg.pagespeed.ce.w8M3IuwU3z
    The motto of the ECB is plain and simple: why reform when we still have some power? Governments will fight until the last drop of blood is spilled; they assume it will be your blood, not theirs. We will see the opposite of transparency unfold along with a rush to eliminate cash. This will force Europeans into electronic money for that is the solution to prevent bank runs. The head economist of the Deutsche Bundesbank warned that the ECB cannot afford to tell the people the truth about banking for it may lead to bank runs.
    The banking crisis in Europe is huge because bank reserves are a mixture of sovereign debt from each member state. The only way to prevent this potential banking failure crisis is to withhold the results of bank stress tests from the public. The ECB is most likely going to follow this advice to prevent the public from knowing which banks are in the worst shape. If you do not know whom to trust, human nature will distrust everyone.
    This entry was posted in Europe's Current Economy and tagged bank runs, ECB, European Banking Crisis by Martin Armstrong. Bookmark the permalink.

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