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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Baghdad security fence "will raise checkpoints" and transferred to the perimeter of the concrete blo

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    Baghdad security fence "will raise checkpoints" and transferred to the perimeter of the concrete blo Empty Baghdad security fence "will raise checkpoints" and transferred to the perimeter of the concrete blo

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Feb 2016, 7:11 am

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    Aerial view of areas of western Baghdad Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)
    Baghdad security fence "will raise checkpoints" and transferred to the perimeter of the concrete blocks of the capital

    Author: BS, MJ 
    Editor: BK, BS 02/02/2016 23:28 Number of Views: 1855 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    Baghdad began operations during the past few hours the establishment of the security fence of the capital, which was to be established in 2012, but it was canceled for unknown reasons at the time, despite the existence of a financial allocation.
    The fence, which will stretch over an area of ​​300 km surrounding the Iraqi capital Baghdad, the latest security move during the thirteen years that followed the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime to end the cycle of violence which targets the capital, raising the rest of the concrete barriers distorted shape of the city and made it just far from civilization and urbanization isolated areas . 
    He says the commander of Baghdad operations, Lt. Gen. Abdul Amir al-Shammari, said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Military Engineering first and sixth and ninth and eleventh and seventeenth in the Iraqi army teams, began implementing a project Wall Baghdad security since the first of February will", he pointed out that "the project involves digging a trench width of three meters and a depth of two meters and stay aligned through him, to encircle the capital from all sides in stages up 360 degrees."
    He adds Shammari, that "the Baghdad Operations Command, will lift the concrete blocks in the capital to put it in the wall, with the establishment of watchtowers equipped with cameras," noting that "the engineering effort for some ministries and popular crowd will participate in the implementation of the project at the behest of the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces."
    Explains the commander of Baghdad operations, it said: "The project also includes the control points governor equipped with detection of explosives will be held in the current entrances to Baghdad, without further addition of new," returned "The project will contribute to the lifting of checkpoints in the capital and the opening of closed roads, as well as stabilizing the being prevented the infiltration of suspicious elements and terrorists. "
    For his part, says a member of the security committee in the Baghdad Provincial Council, Fadel Shuli said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Wall of Baghdad project security was on the table since the beginning of the war against al Daash, to separate the capital from the provinces unstable security," noting that "the project stopped then to Baghdad can not be separated from the rest of the provinces. "
    It is noteworthy Shuli, that "the Baghdad Operations returned to carry out the project without the knowledge of the provincial council or provide any details about it," noting that "the provincial council against the project because it is not a good choice."
    Explains a member of the security committee in the Baghdad Provincial Council, said: "The Council is now working to raise the fences and concrete barriers from the neighborhoods of the capital to promote peaceful coexistence among the people," returned to "increase the walls, fences and barriers in the capital will generate a negative impact upon the people of Baghdad."
    It demands a member of the security committee in the Baghdad Provincial Council, the need to "keep the bad guys from the security checkpoints, and work to increase the security of hedge and intelligence effort and activation of security checkpoints in a good way and develop the gates of Baghdad and benefit from the security and economic terms by imposing a fee on every vehicle entering the capital," returned to those "better than the erection of a security fence alternatives might offend the people of Baghdad."
    He was Chief of Staff of the Army agency, Lt. Gen. Othman al-Ghanemi, has praised, while inspecting boycotted operations west of Baghdad, on Sunday, (the 31st of January 2016), the project "Wall of Baghdad," stressing that it contributes to the stability of the security situation in the capital.
    The spread in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad and its environs, four military teams are (11, 17, 9 and 6) and two divisions police forces and federal battalions emergency and add them after the fall of Mosul, however, the organization Daash and provide the organization towards the capital Baghdad in June 2014, units of the popular crowd, before they are clearing the area around Baghdad and secure the end of 2014 and beginning of 2015, shrinking the presence of Iraqi army units in most areas of the capital significantly during 2015 in favor of the Interior Ministry forces of the Federal police and emergency regiments, local police, the Rescue, which also saw the lifting of the night roaming imposed on the capital since 2006.
    The security forces have adopted a style put concrete barriers in Baghdad and other cities to meet the security deterioration in the country, but it has become a disaster for the citizens and their movements movement, before the exercise that forces gradually lifting those barriers nearly directly proportional to "improve" relative to the security situation.

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