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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    And document comprehensive reforms ministerial amendment standards and mechanisms

    Admin Assist
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     And document comprehensive reforms ministerial amendment standards and mechanisms Empty And document comprehensive reforms ministerial amendment standards and mechanisms

    Post by Rocky Sun 13 Mar 2016, 4:59 am

    And document comprehensive reforms ministerial amendment standards and mechanisms

    3/13/2016 0:00 

    [rtl]Executive Summary 
    1. Introduction In the 
    name of God the Merciful 
    after relying on God and the fulfillment of the covenant that we made ​​to move forward on the path of reform that paid by 
    good reference, supported by groups of people in the national mobility .. After six months of attempts to break the slack, however we have achieved successes in several areas , culminating in the implementation of policies and procedures of the task .. we find criticism of signals, or claims to change desirable, especially with clear and transparent discourse supreme reference, because we believe that this speech setting his sights homeland and citizens .. with the ongoing legitimate claims for our people in the reform and in improving the economic and living situation and service . 
    as the trends that the quota system was adopted mainly in the formation of thegovernment, and the levels of state institutions manage both did not advocate thefootsteps of desired reform, we found that construction wheel management need bold urged, .. based on the opportunity in the remainder of the life of this government, scientific figures , professional, efficient, and fair, holding the reins of work in the various squares in all ministries. 
    , which let it to a reshuffle substantially, which met after our speech , which Agaynah on 9 - 2-2012 warm and clear from the activities of various community, and the members of the Council of Representatives and confirmation of many of them to continue to hold substantial modification is based on efficiency and professionalism, the heads of political blocs or their representatives held a meeting attended by the three presidencies at this meeting it was agreed on the need to offer a comprehensive vision of the mechanisms of the amendment and the criteria for selecting ministers, and what should do next in resolving the heads of You independent bodies, and deputy ministers, counselors, and general managers. 
    this document contains an executive summary about the course of action thegovernment and the financial management Improvement Advisory Panel voluntary, ten files are: 
    first file: ministerial principles 
    second file: the criteria for selecting a cabinet of technocrats 
    third file: sample review the Council of Ministers 
    fourth file: the role of government ministers 
    fifth file: evaluate the performance of ministries 
    sixth file: document criteria for selection of candidates for senior positions 
    seventh file: simplify government procedures 
    eighth file: the fight against corruption 
    ninth file: the government program and packages reforms 
    tenth file: conditioning the government program in this light document and in the field ofhard and continuous work to put an end to corruption has been the formation of asupreme committee to follow up the fight against corruption and coordination of efforts among the various institutions involved in the fight against corruption and in accordance with legal frameworks and provide all the supplies that contribute to the success of their mission , including legislation and the necessary instructions. 
    in light of the foregoing, the stages of work Ministerial amendment would be as follows: to 
    provide the document to the three presidencies and the convening of the agreement and approval) day 5-3 - 2016. 
    2. send the document on 9 - 3-2016 to the heads of parliamentary blocs and theactivities of the community. 
    0.3 a meeting of the heads of parliamentary blocs to discuss and approve the document.
    0.4 by a committee of independent experts receipt and study the biographies of thecandidates to occupy ministerial positions 
    and rely on the completion of those contained in this document files. 
    0.5 will continue the work of the Committee of experts for ten days and submit its report to the Prime Minister , including replacements for each ministry. 
    0.2 the prime minister is put reshuffle among the names nominated by the Committee ofexperts. 
    0.7 submit the proposed selection at a meeting of the House of Representatives for avote. 
    0.8 , followed by a day the same oath session and sign a code of conduct and performance of Ministers committed to work under it . 
    the most important thing it should be emphasized here is determined to abide by theterms contained in this document, what is required of those concerned is to secure asound environment for the advancement of government performance. 
    it is God 's reconciling d. Haider al - Abadi Prime Minister March 2016  2. Curriculum work of the government , Prime Minister presented his government to parliament in themonth of September 2104, which also included a political agreement. The government went in carrying out its tasks, but some of the software items still work has been slow or Mtlkia, especially after the sharp drop in oil prices to weaken the level of implementation, and Prime Minister adopted a resolute reform task, to add to the government program items, when submitting Mr. Prime Minister and the cabinet reshuffle expected before the House of Representatives will also present his program supplementary to be coupled with the responsibility of ministers with high transparency , guided by the principles and criteria contained in this document file based on the following: 1. the implementation of the government program, complete the remainder of the terms of the political agreement, according to a plan a minute of time. 0.2 adoption of political, administrative and economic reforms presented by the Prime Minister and approved by the packs of theCouncil. 3. pay revitalize the industrial sector and the sector agriculture in particular andother economic sectors (tourism, finance, insurance, trade, and services) in general exceptional attention, especially with regard to supporting the private sector to take thecorrect position in the Iraqi economy movement, and requires that the ministerial cabin working as one team to ensure integration work to achieve this important goal. 0.4 adopt a road map coupled with specific Ptoukitat of time, to accomplish the ministry 's tasks in the light of its action plan, along with the completion of the government program and packages reforms requirements, in light adapted to suit the current objective conditions.0.5 subjecting ministries calendar transparent periodically under the follow - up adopted by the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers. 0.2 is called the Prime Minister in the light of what is stated in paragraph (5) a periodic report, and presented to theCouncil of Representatives, if proven inability of any minister to fulfill his commitment to anotary sign a code assigned, recommends the Prime Minister for his dismissal. Thereport core following themes: includes security axis * edit territories efforts Daash terrorist gangs) target the end of 2016). * extension of the control state and the law and bear arms efforts in her hand (continuous). * build a professional security system developed (continuous) . axis restore stability and reconstruction in the liberated areas * completion of an effective national reconciliation (ongoing). * restore stability in theliberated areas efforts (continuing with the increase in the liberated areas). * reconstruction efforts (continuous stretch for several years). * re - displaced plans (ongoing) . * mobilize all possible national and international efforts, including in particular:  _ The international team to restore stability FFIS (continuous). - preparation for the reconstruction (before the end of 2016). axis executive action * commitment to the government program. * implementation of reforms packages. * drafting work to theministry 's performance in light of the financial conditions (ends prepared within oneweek of receipt of the ministry it includes 2016, 2017.2018) years program. * develop agovernment plan to ensure increase non - oil revenues to ensure doubling during 2016 and 2017, based on a realistic program. * activation of efforts to build work full e -government system (before the end of 2018). axis of transparency and integrity * activating the role of the Supreme Council for anti - corruption (headed by the Prime Minister). * restructure the control system and the performance. * activating the role ofother regulatory agencies. * activating follow a thorough and practical program, offers disclosure of periodic and transparent to the level of performance. * support for civil society organizations, journalists and media, protection and activating the role of thefourth power in monitoring and follow - up performance. axis legislation * coordinate with the House of Representatives to ensure the adoption of laws and regulations that under the reading offline. * conduct a comprehensive review of the laws that did not proceed so far and re submitted to the House of Representatives (three months). * work to lift the laws and legislation in the light of the need to develop or cancel or legislation laws (ongoing). axis complete selection of graduate departments and staff recruitment * adoption study the restructuring of ministries in the comprehensive review , which are made ​​by the Secretariat light General of the Council of Ministers in coordination with theministries ( one month). * resolving set) or an installation file (and deputy ministers, advisers and general managers (three months). * follow - up to full compliance with thedecision of the President of the Council of Ministers No. (1) for the year 2016 that are appointments) , including , in particular within the angel movement (within the standards set by the resolution, particularly the announcement of this and the opportunity to submit electronically and adherence to the priorities set forth in, first and foremost theappointment of higher education who has spent the state large sums on the road tocomplete their studies inside or outside Iraq , including doing development work in state institutions (continuous .) * resolving the formation of the Federal service file incollaboration with the House of Representatives. Enhancing lending industrial, agricultural and residential projects * ensure secure banking efficient and professional departments for the success of lending policy (during the week). * activating the role ofsupervising the lending program of the Supreme Committee in terms of feasibility studies or follow - up of implementation (ongoing). * confirm curriculum quick action and provide the necessary facilities to start the implementation of projects. * resolved to adopt thecandidate to lend to projects matrix (spatial and sectoral distribution) prepared by the Ministry of planning (during the week). comprehensive plan for the advancement of theindustrial sector under the supervision of : the Supreme Committee for the development of the industrial sector in Iraq ( the problem under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister) based on what provided by the national development plan 2013-2017 of theroad map task for sectoral development, -obina on what has been achieved during the2015 revitalization of the private sector a package of measures, reforms packages, simplification of procedures ( ; work to implement;  3. Adoption of improved budget goal: preparing Map through the restructuring program to improve the budget, to be presented to the Cabinet and approval. - - Expected results: increased potential budget revenues in the long medium term between $ 20-33 trillion Iraqi dinars / year. Chronological timing of the program are the choice of 28 initiative (paragraph) work is under way within the timetable readiness begins his 2016 and ends full completion by 2020 and be phased work as follows: the first wave: begin in April 2016 and includes seven initiatives focused on administrative improvements that do not require changes in the law. thesecond wave : begin before July 2016 and includes two initiatives focused on amendments to the current subsidy system, the activation of new taxes, the financial exploitation of drugs is used and to improve the financing of projects. the third wave: begin before the end of 2017 and includes five initiatives require changes in laws and be more complex (such as restructuring of state - owned enterprises / privatization).elements of success of the program: * political will. * governance and transparency. * formation of a dedicated team of software works with (unit results) in the presidency of the Council of Ministers. * direct immediate major procedures. 4 for sale . CG voluntary've received Iraq 's democracy through the application of voting mechanisms frequently, but the practice of democracy were not in conjunction with the application of thevocabulary of good governance (such as the adoption participate on the basis ofefficiency, transparency and the rule of law, and the acceptance of accountability, non -discrimination between citizens on the basis of affiliation). It is no secret that theadoption of these items in any State also indicate the economic and political literature is a key factor in achieving progress and well - being. However , the lack of good governance led to the weakness of the government 's performance in Iraq and theinability to meet citizens ' demands on public services. Supported by some civic organizations and competencies Ttoaha to provide advisory expertise within theframework of "consultant and a national team , " free of charge embodiment of theprinciple of good citizenship, and work to engage the consultant activity along withgovernment counterpart. As it seeks to participation of representatives of trade unions and professional organizations and a group of civil society organizations to give the team added momentum. The government 's adoption of the team to reflect on the concerns and challenges of the country will give citizens and international parties are positive signs, to change some of the negative beliefs about government reforms. The establishment of a national point (non - governmental, non - political) planning and promoting reforms and follow up the implementation of the utmost importance to support the goals of the government 's stated. The adoption of the Council of Ministers for this proposal will encourage local governments in the provinces to form local and national councils of competencies and civil society organizations to provide advice in various aspects, and members are chosen within the declared for all controls, to the Advisory Group can play its positive and should be teammates who meet the following requirements:  * be a sponsor of the reform and offers its services in order to achieve the best without pay. * possess high specialized knowledge and expertise of a solid process, including those who took over leadership responsibilities in state facilities or in the private sector and their successes are known. * that has a broad vision for thereform process and its challenges and has the ability and the willingness and spirit ofteamwork. * to have a presence and social prestige influential in their respective fields or work or professional and social middle. * to be knowledgeable in the mechanisms of thework of state administrative bodies and decision - making process and follow up on itsimplementation, and the factors influencing them. * to possess realism flexible and has acritical and practical thinking in the face of difficulties and complexities and focus on finding solutions and achieve positive results. * to be flying and mentor principle ofcitizenship and the common good and the higher interest of the nation. * should be familiar with the principles of good governance and works for the development of State institutions accordingly. It is hoped to adopt one of the developmental urban centers responsible for overseeing the work of the Advisory Group, and regulate their relationship with the government through the presidency of the Council of Ministers, and cover thejoints of the important ones; * ways to expand non - oil revenues. * activation of civilian control and evaluate the government 's performance. * improved financial management.* activating the private sector activities. * adopt a methodology to simplify procedures. * adopt a program for social networking purposeful. * activation of civil society organizations in public interaction with the reform movement. * provide advice in theareas of reform, particularly economic and educational.[/rtl]

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