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    Pentagon may send more troops to Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277173
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Pentagon may send more troops to Iraq Empty Pentagon may send more troops to Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Apr 2016, 7:02 am

    Pentagon may send more troops to Iraq

    Sunday 17-04-2016 | 2:43:02

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    H d

    Twilight News / said US Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter, the Pentagon is developing new recommendations to strengthen the military campaign against the organization of the Islamic state Daash, include the implementation of more air strikes and electronic attacks, and possibly the deployment of a larger number of American soldiers on the ground in Iraq and Syria.
    Carter said in a speech to American troops at Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates, where he arrived Saturday, he did not offer these plans to President Barack Obama yet, but he expected the White House's approval thereof.
    The minister added that the United States has carried out modifications to the military campaign against Daash with the improvement of the quality of intelligence coming from the field, what can the US forces to carry out a quick target sites and the leaders of the organization operations.
    The new Carter pledged Washington's support nations fighting Daash by enhancing the capabilities of local forces on the ground, pointing out that maintaining the Daash subdued requires continue to rely on those forces. In this context, the minister stressed that his government will continue to work with the Iraqi people and all the actors on the ground in Syria.
    Carter had said Saturday that the US administration would ask Gulf states to contribute to the rebuilding of Iraqi areas have been destroyed in the fighting against al Daash efforts, and invited them to provide political support for the Baghdad government.
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