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    Awadi:-astbadamkanet national meeting soon to resolve the current political crisis in Iraq

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Awadi:-astbadamkanet national meeting soon to resolve the current political crisis in Iraq Empty Awadi:-astbadamkanet national meeting soon to resolve the current political crisis in Iraq

    Post by Hkp1 Tue 14 May 2013, 10:45 am

    Awadi:-astbadamkanet national meeting soon to resolve the current political crisis in Iraq

    Tuesday, 14 may 2013 09: 30 Ambassador News Agency

    {Baghdad Ambassador: News}

    Deputy for the State of law Coalition national meeting could be held soon to resolve the current political crisis in Iraq.

    Al-Awadi, said in a statement received Ambassador nioznskhh it on
    Tuesday "We hope to hold the national meeting for the past year and a
    half now look like, the atmosphere is favourable or not but still a
    National Alliance that is no way but dialogue to resolve the problems on
    the ground."

    "We consider holding such a meeting but now not handy as it was a year ago, when the node is welcome."

    political parties suggested that the question of national meeting to
    gather the political parties to find a solution to the crisis in the

    Recall that President Jalal Talabani had called more
    than a year ago to convene a national meeting between blocks lhalhah
    crisis but his efforts have not yet borne fruit in a knot while holding a
    series of meetings between the different political parties to narrow
    the differences between them and his illness, which was still suffering
    and undergoing treatment in Germany after a stroke reduced the chances
    of the meeting as observers.

    Iraq has multiple political crises
    and exchange of accusations between the blocks, amid continued protests
    in a number of governorates, weeks ago, calls for several demands,
    notably the adoption of a general amnesty and abolition of the
    accountability and Justice Commission Act [formerly the
    debaathification] and others.

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      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 5:06 am