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    5 Charts That Show What Terrorism In America Looks Like Nov. 16, 2015

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    5 Charts That Show What Terrorism In America Looks Like  Nov. 16, 2015 Empty 5 Charts That Show What Terrorism In America Looks Like Nov. 16, 2015

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Jun 2016, 9:14 am

    [size=36]5 Charts That Show What Terrorism In America Looks Like

     Nov. 16, 2015, at 6:45 p.m.

    [size=36]charts won't copy go to link


    Violent extremism in the U.S. has many faces — mostly American faces. Many are not jihadis.
    posted on Nov. 16, 2015, at 6:45 p.m.

    We’re now well into the second decade of the “war on terror.” But who, exactly, are we fighting? And why do they want to hurt us?
    To see the big picture, BuzzFeed News has crunched the numbers on deaths and injuries caused by terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, categorizing them by the extremist ideologies involved.
    Militant Islamist terrorism dominates, but extremists from the political right also pose a potent threat. And our analysis contains a surprising message: Although another devastating event like 9/11, the Oklahoma City bombing, or last week’s attacks in Paris could change everything, violent extremism has actually been in decline.

    Two decades of casualties reveal the extreme ideologies that threaten American lives.

    [size=12]Peter Aldhous for BuzzFeed News / Via
    In the aftermath of 9/11, it has become easy to equate terrorism with violent Islamists. But this chart, showing the number of deaths and injuries caused by terrorist attacks in the U.S. from 1995 to 2014, paints a more complex picture.
    Yes, those waging a violent jihad against America are responsible for the largest number of casualties by far — but they are not alone.
    To tally attacks, deaths, and injuries, BuzzFeed News used the most authoritative academic source, the Global Terrorism Database (GTD) maintained by START, the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism, at the University of Maryland. To help make sense of the numbers, we attributed the 97 attacks involving casualties to broad ideological categories, consulting with Erin Miller, a criminologist at START who manages the GTD.
    Terrorism is notoriously difficult to define. The GTD defines it as “the threatened or actual use of illegal force and violence by a non-state actor to attain a political, economic, religious, or social goal through fear, coercion or intimidation.” By this definition, the two most prolific U.S. terrorist groups over the past 20 years are the Earth Liberation Front and the Animal Liberation Front, each responsible for more than 60 incidents.
    But environmental and animal rights extremists have mostly targeted institutions, not individuals — so although many buildings have burned, these terrorists are responsible for only two injuries and one death since 1995.
    Extremists motivated by their opposition to abortion have pursued a deadlier brand of single-issue terrorism. The most notorious was Eric Rudolph, now serving life without parole for bombing the Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta during the 1996 Olympics, killing one spectator and injuring 110 more. Rudolph acted in the name of the Army of God, later stating that he wanted to “embarrass the Washington government in the eyes of the world for its abominable sanctioning of abortion on demand.”
    The attacks BuzzFeed News categorized as Islamist terrorism include some committed by Muslims who may have been motivated as much by opposition to U.S. foreign policy and military actions as by religion. These include the 2013 Boston Marathon bombers, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Although the FBI stressed the pair’s extreme Islamist beliefs, the note scrawled by Dzhokhar on the boat in which he hid after a police shootout claimed he had acted in retribution for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    There are clear parallels with the bloodiest incident in the nationalist category: In 1997, Ali Hassan Abu Kamal shot seven people, killing one, on the observation deck of the Empire State Building. He apparently wanted to punish the United States for its support for Israel in its conflict with the Palestinians.
    Right-wing extremists, meanwhile, divide into two broadly distinct groups. One, typified by the 1995 Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, is driven by distrust of the U.S. federal government.
    Then there are the white supremacists. They include Wade Michael Page, who stormed the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, in August 2012, killing six worshippers and wounding four more. When the GTD is updated for 2015, it will also include the murder of nine black members of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, gunned down in June by 21-year-old Dylann Roof, seen posing online with the Confederate flag.
    Despite the best efforts of the FBI and researchers at START, the ideological motivation for some incidents remains obscure. These include the anthrax-tainted letters that killed five people and sickened another 17 in 2001, further terrorizing a jittery nation in the aftermath of 9/11.

    A handful of high-profile incidents dominate the casualty figures.

    [size=12]Peter Aldhous for BuzzFeed News / Via
    Here are those numbers again, this time shown as a mosaic. Each rectangle is an individual incident, scaled according to the number of deaths and injuries involved (hover or tap on the chart for more information about each).
    Viewed in this way, it’s clear how the 9/11 attacks, and the truck bomb that destroyed the federal building in Oklahoma City in April 1995, dominate the casualty figures. In reality, 9/11 dominates even more than shown here, because the numbers for the destruction of the World Trade Center include only the confirmed dead. No one knows for sure how many people were injured in that attack — although we do know that emergency rooms geared up on 9/11 for a wave of casualties that mostly never arrived, because so many of the victims were killed outright.
    Start digging into individual incidents, and it becomes clear why terrorism is so difficult to study. Was Nidal Hasan, the U.S. Army psychiatrist who in 2009 killed 13 and injured 30 more at the Fort Hood base in Texas, a committed jihadi? Or should he be seen as a mentally disturbed individual who has more in common with other American mass shooters?
    Hasan had communicated by email with Anwar al-Awlaki, alleged to be a senior recruiter for al-Qaeda. But when prosecuting Hasan, the Pentagon described his actions as “workplace violence.” (BuzzFeed News grouped him with the militant Islamists.)

    Right-wing extremists skew older than militant Islamists — and are less likely to be stopped before they attack.

    [size=12]Peter Aldhous for BuzzFeed News / Via
    To get a more detailed profile of the people who are willing to harm Americans to further their ideological goals, BuzzFeed News turned to data compiled by the New America think tank on 497 extremists indicted or killed in the U.S. since 9/11 — including 314 militant Islamists and 140 right-wing extremists. (New America included a handful of anti-abortion extremists in the latter category.)
    Terrorists are mostly angry young men — just 6.7% of New America’s militant Islamists, and 9.3% of the right-wingers, were women.
    Right-wing extremists, with a median age of 35 at arrest or death, tended to be a little older than jihadis, who had a median age of 26. The right-wingers include the white supremacist Frazier Glenn Cross, aka Frazier Glenn Miller, who was 73 in April 2014 when he opened fire at the Overland Park Jewish Community Center in Kansas, killing three people.
    There is one obvious difference between the militant Islamists and the right-wingers in New America’s data — just 7% of the Islamists were involved in an incident that came to fruition, compared to 48% of the right-wingers. Most of the Islamists were arrested before they could attack, or for offenses such as funding terrorist groups; 18% of them were charged with planning to fight for terrorist organizations overseas.
    One interpretation of this difference is that right-wingers are more “successful” terrorists. But these numbers also provide support for claims that the FBI has been aggressively pursuing Islamist extremists — in part by luring jihadist sympathizers into committing criminal acts — while neglecting the threat posed by the extreme right.
    Prominent among these critics is Michael German of New York University’s Brennan Center for Justice, who for many years worked as an undercover FBI agent infiltrating extremist groups. He argues that the right-wing threat is even greater than the data shows, because hate crimes often don’t get defined as terrorism.
    “It’s this inability to look at acts of political violence as equivalent,” German told BuzzFeed News.

    Violent extremists in America are mostly U.S. citizens.

    [size=12]Peter Aldhous for BuzzFeed News / Via
    Fears about terrorism often get pulled into the debate over immigration — Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, for example, has claimed that refugees fleeing Syria could be a “Trojan horse” for ISIS. And in the wake of last week’s attacks in Paris, other contenders for the GOP nomination have called for a rethink of plans to take in Syrian refugees.
    The majority of extremists in the New America data are U.S. citizens, but the numbers for the militant Islamists provide talking points for both sides of the immigration debate.
    A 2011 [url= American Report 10-02-12 fix.pdf]survey[/url] conducted by the Pew Research Center found that 37% of Muslims in the U.S. were citizens by birth, 44% were naturalized citizens, and 19% were noncitizens of various types.
    By comparison, New America’s tally of militant Islamists shows 46% born in the United States, 23% naturalized citizens, and 31% noncitizens. So noncitizens and — to some extent — U.S. citizens seem to be overrepresented among the small minority of Muslims attracted to violent extremism, while naturalized citizens are underrepresented.

    Terrorist incidents are actually in decline, but beware the next 9/11.

    [size=12]Peter Aldhous for BuzzFeed News / Via
    This chart may surprise you. According to the GTD, the number of terrorist incidents in the U.S. has declined markedly since the 1970s, when the most active groups included left-wing extremists such as the New World Liberation Front and the Weather Underground Organization.
    The most dangerous organizations back in the ’70s, judged by casualties inflicted, included the Black Panthers and the FALN, a Marxist group fighting for Puerto Rican independence.
    Since then, the pattern of terrorism has changed. Although there are fewer attacks than before, and those causing casualties are more infrequent, we live in fear of devastating attacks that can claim hundreds or even thousands of lives.
    The three tallest columns on the chart above are driven by 9/11, the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and injured more than 1,000. And if you’re wondering, 1984’s high casualty count was due to America’s first experience with bioterrorism — when followers of the Indian mystic Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh contaminated salad bars in The Dalles, Oregon, with salmonella, infecting more than 750 people.
    Today, food hygiene is the least of the FBI’s worries. The bureau’s focus is on preventing attacks from happening, rather than investigating incidents after they occur. The Paris attacks have underlined the importance of this mission.
    “Prosecuting someone after they’ve killed 3,000 people is not a measure of success,” Michael Steinbach, assistant director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, told BuzzFeed News.
    The challenge is how to do that without infringing the civil liberties of people whose views we find extreme — but who have a constitutional right to e
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    5 Charts That Show What Terrorism In America Looks Like  Nov. 16, 2015 Empty America has suffered a terror attack every year under Obama

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Jun 2016, 9:25 am

    [size=34]America has suffered a terror attack every year under Obama[/size]
    By Paul Sperry
    June 16, 2016 | 8:51pm

    President Barack Obama speaks following a National Security Council meeting.[size=10]Photo: Getty Images

    America has now averaged one serious Islamic terrorist attack a year on President Obama’s watch, yet he still insists the threat from radical Islam is overblown and that he’s successfully protecting the nation.
    If only hubris could be weaponized!
    In the wake of Omar Mateen’s Orlando massacre, Obama whined about growing criticism of his terror-fighting strategy. But boy, does he deserve it. His record on terrorism is terrible, and Hillary Clinton should have a tough time defending it.
    Here we are in the eighth year of his presidency, and the nation has now suffered eight significant attacks by Islamist terrorists on US soil or diplomatic property — an average of one attack a year since Obama’s been in office, with each new attack seemingly worse than the last.
    And there’s six long months left to go.
    Obama said Orlando “marks the most deadly shooting in American history.” Actually, it was the second-worst act of Islamic terrorism in American history, replacing in six short months the San Bernardino massacre as the deadliest terrorist attack on US soil since 9/11.
    Here are the previous seven:
    December 2015: Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, a married Pakistani couple, stormed a San Bernardino County government building with combat gear and rifles and opened fire on about 80 employees enjoying an office Christmas party. They killed 14 after pledging loyalty to ISIS. A third Muslim was charged with helping buy weapons.

    July 2015:
     Mohammad Abdulazeez opened fire on a military recruiting center and US Navy Reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., where he shot to death four Marines and a sailor. Obama refused to call it terrorism.

    May 2015: ISIS-directed Muslims Nadir Soofi and Elton Simpson opened fire on the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas, shooting a security guard before police took them down.

    April 2013:
     Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Muslim brothers from Chechnya, exploded a pair of pressure-cooker bombs at the Boston Marathon, killing three and wounding more than 260. At least 17 people lost limbs from the shrapnel.

    September 2012: Terrorists with al Qaeda in the Maghreb attacked the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, killing the US ambassador, a US Foreign Service officer and two CIA contractors. Obama and then-Secretary of State Clinton misled the American people, blaming the attack on an anti-Muslim video.
    November 2009: Army Maj. Nidal Hasan opened fire on fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, killing 13. Obama ruled it “workplace violence,” even though Hasan was in contact with an al Qaeda leader before the strikes and praised Allah as he mowed down troops.

    June 2009:
     Al Qaeda-trained Abdulhakim Muhammad opened fire on an Army recruiting office in Little Rock, Ark., killing Pvt. William Long and wounding Pvt. Quinton Ezeagwula.

    So there you have it — an average of one serious terror strike against the United States every year on Obama’s watch. And we’re not even counting the underwear bomber, Times Square bomber, Fed Ex bombs and other near-misses.
    History will not be kind to this president’s record.
    When he came into office, Obama vowed to defeat terrorism using “all elements of our power”: “My single most important responsibility as president is to keep the American people safe. It’s the first thing that I think about when I wake up in the morning. It’s the last thing that I think about when I go to sleep at night.”
    But it soon became clear he wasn’t serious.
    In June 2009, Obama traveled to Cairo to apologize to Muslims the world over for America’s war on terror. Then he canceled the war and released as many terrorists as he could from Gitmo, while ordering the FBI and Homeland Security to delete “jihad” and other Islamic references from their counterterrorism manuals and fire all trainers who linked terrorism to Islam, blinding investigators to the threat from homegrown jihadists like Mateen.
    Obama also stopped a major investigation of terror-supporting Muslim Brotherhood front groups and radical mosques, while opening the floodgates to Muslim immigrants, importing more than 400,000 of them, many from terrorist hot spots Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.
    Attack after attack, the president has ridiculously maintained that global warming is a bigger threat than global terrorism. Americans are fed up. Even before San Bernardino and Orlando, polls showed Obama was widely viewed as soft on Islamist terrorists. He has an absolutely awful record keeping us safe from terrorism.
    And this is the security mantle Hillary is so proud to inherit? Good luck with that.
    Paul Sperry is author of “Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington” and “Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld That’s Conspiring to Islamize America.”

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