Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iraq participates in the meetings of the Economic Council

    Admin Assist
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    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq participates in the meetings of the Economic Council Empty Iraq participates in the meetings of the Economic Council

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Jul 2016, 7:00 am

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    2016/07/24 | 13:41

    (Encyclopedia of the Day News | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ) - Economy News , Baghdad. Chaired by the Minister of Trade and agency Salman Jumaili, on Saturday , the Iraqi delegation at the Arab Economic and Social Council meetings inpreparation for the Arab summit in Mauritania. Jumaily said in Economics News received a copy of it today, the council held at the level of ministers of trade, economy and ensure that the agenda of this meeting in preparation for the Arab summit following items and number eight items was the first specialized report of the Secretary -General on the follow - up implementation of the regular and developmental previous summits decisions, and the decision to take note of this report either of the item and the second , which included merging development Summit with regular summit as the regular summits are held every year either development is held every two years and , given the existence of an economic incision in the regular summit resolutions that request came annexation development Summit of the ordinary. he said that after the debate settled decision possibility development Summit held every four years instead of two that are a follow - up report its decisions every two years by the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States the third item it includes a review of the findings of a university team on the reform of the Arab League institutions have been postponed this item and delete it from the agenda , and put in the economic and social Council at its regular session and by specialty. he pointed out that he came special item IV and measures the Arab Alkmarki Union of the Greater Arab Free trade area and the decision was commissioned by the economic and social Council of the pre - summit follow - up so special committees and the need for thebusiness of the Union accomplished as soon as with the need to follow up with the teams and national committees for the purpose of starting the preparation necessary to facilitate trade and implementation of Union Alkmarki legislation after accomplished. he either fifth item and it includes the establishment of a mechanism for theimplementation of the Sudanese president for agricultural investment initiative and the decision came to welcome the recommendations contained studying achieving Arab food security including integrated sectoral plan for it. he pointed out that item VI and on the implementation of the sustainable development plan came more than a slit thefirst relates to the adoption of the plan of Implementation of the strategy for water security in the Arab region to face the future challenges and requirements and this is what an effect is very large , and the importance of Iraq by moving to international organizations by the university for the purpose of ensuring water quotas for Arab States riparian with the rest of the non - Arab states and was second part the approval of the strategy of Housing andurban development and the third prong was about the social aspects of sustainable development plan in 2030 thedecision was made ​​to adopt the Arab Declaration for the implementation of the sustainable development plan of the Ministerial Conference. in mm

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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq participates in the meetings of the Economic Council Empty Iraq participates in the Economic Council meetings in preparation for the Arab summit

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Jul 2016, 7:57 am

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    Iraq participates in the Economic Council meetings in preparation for the Arab summit

    Sunday 24 July 2016 

    BAGHDAD / ... chaired by the Minister of Trade and agency Salman Jumaili, on Saturday, the Iraqi delegation at the Arab Economic and Social Council meetings in preparation for the Arab summit in Mauritania. 

    Jumaily said the received "eye Iraq News," a copy of it today, "The Council held at the level of ministers of trade, economy and ensure agenda of this meeting in preparation for the Arab summit following items and number eight items was the first specialized report of the Secretary-General on the follow-up implementation of the regular and developmental previous summits resolutions. the decision to take note of this report either of the item and the second, which included merging development Summit with a regular summit since the regular summits are held every year either development is held every two years and, given the existence of an economic incision in the regular summit resolutions that request came annexation development Summit of the ordinary. " 

    He added that "After discussion the decision settled the possibility of Development Summit held every four years instead of two that are a follow-up to decisions every two years by the General Secretariat of the Arab League report either the third item it includes a review of the findings of a university team on the reform of the Arab League institutions have this item has been postponed and deleted from the agenda, and put in the economic and social Council at its regular and according to specialization. " 

    He pointed out that "the fourth item on the private actions of the Arab Alkmarki Union of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area came and the decision was commissioned by the Economic and Social Council of the pre-summit follow-up special committees that and the need to work for EU achievement in the fastest time with the need to follow up with the teams and national committees for the purpose of starting to prepare the necessary legislation to facilitate trade and implement Alkmarki Union after its completion. " 

    He continued, "As for the fifth item and it includes the establishment of a mechanism for the implementation of the Sudanese president for agricultural investment initiative and the decision came to welcome the recommendations contained studying achieving Arab food security including integrated sectoral plan for that." 

    He noted that "item VI and on the implementation of the sustainable development plan came more from the first incision with the adoption of the Plan of Implementation of the strategy for water security in the Arab region to face the future challenges and requirements and this is what an effect is very large , and the importance of Iraq by moving to international organizations by the university for the purpose of ensuring the quota water Arab states riparian with the rest of the non - Arab states and was second part the approval of the Housing and urban development strategy and notch the third was about the social aspects of sustainable development plan in 2030 the decision was made ​​to adopt the Arab Declaration for the implementation of the sustainable development plan of the Ministerial Conference. " ended 1

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