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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    White House denies revival Biden project to divide Iraq

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    White House denies revival Biden project to divide Iraq Empty White House denies revival Biden project to divide Iraq

    Post by Hkp1 Mon 03 Jun 2013, 1:59 pm

    White House denies revival Biden project to divide Iraq

    White House confirmed his commitment to the security and stability of
    Iraq, denying that "Biden has returned again and put an earlier project
    to divide Iraq into three federal regions."

    The newspaper quoted
    the Middle East, an informed source in the White House today that "Biden
    had contacted last week by telephone with Prime Minister Nuri
    al-Maliki, and through his concern about the escalating violence in
    Iraq, particularly bombings and sectarian it through also to the owners
    about U.S. support for the unity, security and stability in Iraq and
    that the United States is eager to continue cooperation with the
    Government of Iraq to confront terrorism. "

    The Vice
    President has put forward a proposal in this secured several years ago,
    according to press reports yesterday that confirmed a number of Iraqi
    officials he met in Washington recently that the idea of ​​dividing Iraq
    into three federations are the safest way to resolve the current crisis
    and the problems of Iraq. Finished / 3

    Update :: 06.03.2013 17:17

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    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3118
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    White House denies revival Biden project to divide Iraq Empty White House confirms its commitment to the security and stability of Iraq and deny to revive Biden's

    Post by Hkp1 Mon 03 Jun 2013, 2:04 pm

    30 June 2013-12: 30 pm

    White House confirms its commitment to the security and stability of Iraq and deny to revive Biden's project to split

    White House confirmed his keenness on the security and stability of
    Iraq, "Biden has returned again and put up an earlier draft to divide
    Iraq into three federal regions".

    Mena quoted an informed source
    in the White House, "Biden was contacted last week by telephone with
    Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, expressed concern over the escalating
    violence in Iraq, especially the sectarian bombings and also to
    Al-Maliki about the United States support for the unity, security and
    stability of Iraq and that the United States is keen on continued
    cooperation with the Government of Iraq to confront terrorism."

    Vice President has put forward a proposal to this effect several years
    ago, press reports said today that the confirmed number of Iraqi
    officials he met in Washington recently that the idea of dividing Iraq
    into three federal is the safest way to resolve crises and current
    problems of Iraq.

    The source said that "Biden also held telephone
    with Massoud Barzani, President of Kurdistan, and Osama Al-nujaifi, the
    head of the Iraqi Parliament, and he repeated them United States keen
    on the unity of Iraq."

    The US Vice President, Joe Biden, was
    concerned about the Iraq situation in connection with Prime Minister
    Nouri al-Maliki, stressing the need to communicate with all the
    political formations in the country, stressing his country's commitment
    to support Iraq, to deepen the strategic partnership between the two

    The official said the statement was issued last week,
    the White House on this issue stating that Biden and Al-Maliki agreed on
    the importance of communication with all political leaders in Iraq. "

    said during his phone talk with Al-Maliki the United States commitment
    to deepen the strategic partnership with Iraq, "Noting" the importance
    of communication with leaders across the political spectrum in Iraq with
    all the political formations in the country. "

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