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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons


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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons  Empty Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Post by wciappetta Fri 21 Dec 2012, 7:51 am

    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Read more: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    21-12-2012 | (Voice of Iraq) - [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] -

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    The International Monetary Fund announced Friday that Iraq boosted its
    gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons, pointing out that he bought
    23.9 tonnes of gold during the month of August.

    The report said the monthly statistics of the International Monetary
    and got "Alsumaria News", a copy of "The Iraq tally of gold during
    August and September, falling slightly during last October to $ 31.07
    " noting that "Iraq's reserves of gold were some 5.8 tons before
    last August. "

    The fund added that "Iraq bought last August 23.9 tonnes of gold to
    reach its reserves to 29.7, while increased these reserves to 32.09
    tonnes after buying 2.3 tons of gold in the month of September," adding
    that "these reserves fell by 1.02 to $ 31.07 tonnes last October. "

    And some states have tended to buy gold, especially with higher prices
    in the global markets, as well as the instability of the value of the
    dollar because of the fluctuation of its value in recent times.

    The Central Bank of Iraq announced, in August 2012, Iraq's reserves
    rise of hard currency to $ 67 billion, up from $ 63 billion the end of
    last May, as he emphasized that these reserves are the largest in the
    history of Iraq.

    Read more: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]


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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons  Empty Re: Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Post by chouchou Fri 21 Dec 2012, 8:28 am

    Show me the money!

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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons  Empty Re: Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Post by notazbad2000 Fri 21 Dec 2012, 9:48 am

    Smart move by Iraq. They can see that while oil is in high demand, there are a few countries in the region with deminishing oil productions. Gold will once again become the standard.



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    Interacting Investor
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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons  Empty Re: Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Post by Hkp1 Fri 21 Dec 2012, 2:58 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    International report: Baghdad promote gold reserves

    Baghdad/follow-up to the extent

    has taken the first major step in years to strengthen its reserves of
    gold in the past few months to join other central banks from emerging
    market economies such as Brazil and Russia to diversify foreign

    Central Bank purchases was
    one of the major reasons behind the rising gold prices since 2010 the
    year that saw the Central Bank turned into buyers which naturally
    concludes of the precious metal for the first time in 20 years with
    growing doubts about the stability of the dollar as the world's reserve

    The report showed the
    monthly statistics of the International Monetary Fund during the three
    months between August and October this year Iraq gold stocks have
    quadrupled to $ 31.07 tons.

    The first change in reserves for years bought Iraq towards 23.9 tons in total up to 18.5 tonnes. This was followed by an increase of 2.3
    tons in September to total up to 32.09 tons then retreated 1.02 stocks
    tonnes in October to 31.07 tons. No information for the month of November.

    among other central banks lifted Brazil stocks of yellow metal for the
    third consecutive month in November to strengthen nearly one third to
    67.199 tons.

    Russia has also added 2.86 tonnes to 937.82 tonnes and reserves is the eighth largest stocks of gold in the world.

    the World Gold Council data showed that the United States is the
    largest stock in the world keeps more than 8,100 tons of the precious

    But some States have reduced its holdings of gold such as Turkey, Sri Lanka, Mexico and Mongolia.

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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons  Empty Re: Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Post by Hkp1 Fri 21 Dec 2012, 2:59 pm

    Nice find Ward, This will add some major backing to their currency!!!

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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons  Empty Re: Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Post by wciappetta Fri 21 Dec 2012, 4:02 pm

    Yeah and with the gold deposits they own I'm sure it's just the beginning...

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    Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons  Empty Re: Iraq strengthens its gold reserves to reach more than 31 tons

    Post by lonelyintexas Fri 21 Dec 2012, 4:09 pm

    Yes, no telling how much they already possess.

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