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    Liberal bloc confirms: National Alliance agreed on the terms of the return of our leader

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    Liberal bloc confirms: National Alliance agreed on the terms of the return of our leader Empty Liberal bloc confirms: National Alliance agreed on the terms of the return of our leader

    Post by Rocky Tue 04 Oct 2016, 2:18 am

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    Liberal bloc confirms: National Alliance agreed on the terms of the return of our leader

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    Confirmed liberal bloc, on Monday, that theconditions for its leader to return to theNational Alliance included the entry under the cleric Ali al - Sistani only an umbrella, and selection ofcandidates for positions of independents, and talked about the approval of the alliance on the chest conditions. In 
    turn considered citizen bloc, led by Ammar al - Hakim, said yesterday that the paper Sadr presented by theNational Alliance as a "sheet repair and no conditions." 
    gave the leader of the Sadrist movement and a paper containing 14 a condition to return to the National Alliance. And demanding the paper chest by selecting "reference cover in inside Iraq acceptable to all parties ," and refer to this reference to contentious issues including the appointment of the Prime Minister. 
    As al- Sadr called for the prevention of the party that nominates the prime minister to take over thepresidency of the National Alliance, in addition to presenting a list of political figures spoke on condition away from the coalition and refer them to trial. 
    and is alone (range), on Monday, the deployment of the emergency meeting, convened by the political body of the National Alliance, on Friday Minutes, and the discussions focused on three controversial provisions contained in the paper - Sadr. 
    and reveal conversations, which took place under the chairmanship Ammar al - Hakim and the presence ofPrime Minister Haider al - Abadi, 20 representatives of the parties to the coalition, the existence of deep differences lurk, threaten to disrupt the atmosphere of optimism that prevailed among the National Alliance. 
    and threaten the paper presented by al- Sadr as a condition for returning to the "Shiite House", to blow up theNational Alliance from the inside, because of the differences deep raised between the blocks , which aredescribed as incapacitating. 
    and facing the parties to the National Alliance great embarrassment to the list of names that demanded al-Sadr and excluded her trial for involvement of corruption. It also demands the chest Select religious reference, which is one of the mines included in the paper. 
    In this context, MP Abdul Aziz Zalmi, a member of the Liberal bloc said that " the most important conditions for the Sadrist movement to return to the coalition, is to be a coalition under the umbrella of a single reference moderately satisfactory to all parties and be Back in sensitive matters. " 
    He pointed Zalmi, in an interview with (long - Presse), that" those specifications apply to the supreme authority Ali al - Sistani, not supreme leader Ali Khamenei. " 
    He said the Liberal bloc member that" the conditions are also included abandonment National Alliance for theissue Alastaizar of the parties, the choice of candidates for positions of ministries or bodies or general managers of technocrats , independents , "he said , adding that" among the conditions to open up to theparties, coalitions and other state - building properly. " 
    He MP Abdulaziz Dalimy that" al- Sadr also spoke on condition Accounting take out all the corrupt , whether in the government or parliament , from within the structure of the Alliance, and the creation of an internal system for an alliance with the unification of his speech , the media, and not to the collection of my presidency of the coalition and the government of the organ of the alliance at the same time, "stressing that" the National Alliance agreed to those conditions. " 
    in spite of the differences that spin within the National Alliance due to the terms of the paper presented by al-Sadr as a condition for his return, but close to the head of the Supreme Council seemed more optimistic ,they are talking about reaching a consolation for some of the paragraphs of the paper chest formats. 
    , says MP Habib Terminal, a spokesman for the bloc citizen, in an interview (range Press), " the reference respected by everyone is the reference Ali al - Sistani recognized by everybody, with all due respect to theSupreme Leader of the Islamic Republic Ali Khamenei , is a great reference , " stressing that "any reference is Ali al - Sistani does not have the locus of political interest to the National Alliance . " 
    Terminal" the cleric Moqtada al - Sadr 's demands were not conditions as much as they represent a working paper reform included a number of points , "adding that" the paper complementary to what was adopted by the National Alliance , previously passed by the General Authority for a meeting, and thus were not there any difficulty approving it unanimously. " 
    He continued , spokesman for the block - Hakim that" the National Alliance has a general orientation to move the reform process, and that everyone agrees on the need to consolidate the media discourse of the alliance, the fact that the media and means can be used to determine how the components of the alliance. "
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