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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Zubaidi, requiring the government to activate the memorandum of understanding with Egypt to supply c

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Zubaidi, requiring the government to activate the memorandum of understanding with Egypt to supply c Empty Zubaidi, requiring the government to activate the memorandum of understanding with Egypt to supply c

    Post by Rocky Sat 15 Oct 2016, 3:32 am

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    Zubaidi, requiring the government to activate the memorandum of understanding with Egypt to supply crude oil

     Baghdad / term 

    Student leader of the Supreme Islamic Council , Bayan Jabr, on Friday, activating thememorandum of understanding signed between Baghdad and Cairo on providing Egypt with crude oil of Iraq, calling for a response to the demand ofEgypt purchased shipments from Iraq 's oil - way payment on credit, while attributing the cause to prevent "extortion political "to Egypt by Saudi Arabia. 
    Zubaidi said in a statement the " long "received a copy of it," followed rose Egypt did the media on the Saudi Aramco halt provide Egypt with nearly 700 thousand barrels sends per month of oil derivatives under anagreement had been concluded between the two parties since last March. " 
    He called al - Zubaidi , the Iraqi government to" activate the memorandum of understanding signed between Iraq and Egypt since the month of April which provides supply Egypt with crude oil of Iraq by two million barrels a month in return for Egypt to pay for them over to cover the needs of Iraq 's oil products. " 
    He called on the government to "responding to the Egyptian demand to the judge bought shipments of Iraqi oil Order term after six months of receipt , while Iraq agreed to implement this desire repayment after three months." 
    Zubaidi added that "Egypt is witnessing today a Saudi media campaign because of their positions in support of the Arab countries in the face of terrorism and aggregates takfiri what calls for Iraq to stand by Egypt insupport of national positions have prevented all the colors of the intended political blackmail , which exposed him. "
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