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    Governors of Arab central banks, most states do not meet the financial criteria

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    Governors of Arab central banks, most states do not meet the financial criteria Empty Governors of Arab central banks, most states do not meet the financial criteria

    Post by Rocky Tue 25 Oct 2016, 8:51 am

    Governors of Arab central banks, most states do not meet the financial criteria
    Economy News / Baghdad
    Considered the governors of central banks of the 16 Arab countries and the Arab Monetary Fund that most of the Middle East and North African countries, does not respond to the international standards in the field of financial literacy and take advantage of banking and finance, limiting their economic development and social improvement of large groups of the population, as it does not exceed financial inclusion 29 percent in the Arab average, versus 69 percent of the population in East Asia.
    The head of the Arab Monetary Fund Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al Hamidi at the conclusion of a meeting in Skhirat, south of Rabat, and appeared in the media Chtlvh pursued the "Economy News", it lacks some 3.5 billion people in the world to the foundation of financial knowledge, and only 34 percent of the adult population have the appropriate financial knowledge, and this percentage drops in the Arab countries to 30 percent, and added «in five Arab countries only exceeds the global average, while up the gap in the rates of financial awareness among men and women in the world to 5 percent, rising to the level of Arab States to 8 percent. » He pointed out that «the only two Arab countries have enjoyed increased financial awareness among women is higher than the global average, while the rest of the Arab countries, without this average».
    He pointed out that «objective factors behind the rates of weak financial culture in the Arab states of consciousness, including the unemployed educated youth of up to 30.6 percent, and deprive large categories of handling the banking and financial services, as this ratio not exceeding 13 percent at the global level, in while Arab women suffer from obvious exclusion in banking and finance and financing transactions due to unemployment, which amounts to 52.3 percent, versus 13.7 percent global average ».
    The governor «Moroccan Central Bank» Abdul Latif Jeweler that «part of the lost development in the Arab region are caused by the limited financial inclusiveness and weak financial culture among classes of society, find themselves less take advantage of opportunities for economic development and social equity». He added: «Since the events of the Arab Working Group on Financial Inclusion in the Middle East and North Africa during the governors of central banks Council meeting in Kuwait in 2012, was formed 1.7 million children and young people on financial knowledge, of the total 5.6 million young at the global level, has been allocated 27 April of each year, an Arab-day financial inclusion, for the definition of families, citizens and companies of the importance of financial literacy and funding opportunities offered by the banking system to develop the skills and care projects ».
    He said «Union of Arab Banks» that «financial education and inclusion should be an important focus and the president to support sustainable economic development and promote social welfare.» The World Bank urged the Member States to mainstream financial inclusion of all the adult population by the year 2020, in the framework of the financial culture of knowledge and the involvement of all people in the efforts and the benefits of development and ways Thakiqiha ».
    And maligned the educational curricula Arab she did not pay much attention during the past decades, financial education principles and the basis for economics, finance and the establishment of projects in the junior high school, and remained that knowledge preserve of experts and interested and concerned, making it with the passage of time is room elitist and monopolistic.
    The estimated proportion of financial inclusion in Morocco by about 61 percent of the population, which is among the highest percentages of Arab countries as well as in the Gulf, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. There are 19 in Morocco credit institution, according to the Central Bank Act 2005, which is practiced custody and control, while six banks acquires 90 percent of banking activity. Morocco plans to allow the establishment of banks operate according to Islamic law next year, called participatory banking name to distinguish it from commercial banks.

      Current date/time is Tue 17 Sep 2024, 5:45 pm