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    Parliament blocks agree to postpone the local elections just a few months

    Admin Assist
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    Parliament blocks agree to postpone the local elections just a few months Empty Parliament blocks agree to postpone the local elections just a few months

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Nov 2016, 2:23 am

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    Parliament blocks agree to postpone the local elections just a few months

     Baghdad / Wael blessing 

    Parliament blocs agreed to form several committees to follow the laws "controversial ," while approaching the semi final agreement on the postponement of local elections for afew months. 
    This came during a meeting held by thePresident of the House of Representatives in the presence of his two deputies, and the participation of theheads of blocs. 
    It is supposed that the other committees follow, endorsed by the meeting , issues as an amendment theConstitution, and the amendment of the rules of procedure of parliament, in addition to the new legislation for the election commission. 
    the meeting reached an agreement on the "separation" of parliamentarians who exceeded Gaabathm limit, against the backdrop ask the speaker of parliament before the leaders of the blocks. 
    it was al - Jubouri, he had said, during a session the last parliament that preceded the meeting at his home afew hours, the next week will be the date for the declaration of the House of Representatives the names ofthose "Gaabathm exceeded the legal limit." 
    a parliamentary statement, issued on Saturday, said that "Speaker Salim al - Jubouri , held a meeting at his home, which included the presidency of the Council of Representatives and heads parliamentary blocs. " 
    the attendees discussed during the meeting, according to the statement, a number of important issues , most notably the upcoming laws , which will hopefully be included on the agenda of future meetings agenda to bediscussed and voted upon. The statement quoted the heads of parliamentary blocs reaffirmed " theimportance of looking at the laws and committees within the House of Representatives, in addition to theimportance of resolving the issue of absences of the masters of the members of the House ofRepresentatives and to take legal methods that prevent it." 
    He said al - Jubouri, according to the statement, " the importance of moving the adoption of the necessary laws and regulations and that this move is an important driver for the desired reform, and we urge everyone to cooperate with us in this section. " 

    backstage meeting 
    and highlighted what was discussed at the house of the parliament, MP Messenger Abu Hasna, a member of the Dawa party bloc, said that" the meeting came out with an agreement to form a committee parliamentary headed by first Deputy chairman of the House of Representatives Hamoudi to receive proposals blocs on thecontentious broken laws. " 
    He said Abu Hasna, over a connection interview with the (range) yesterday, said that" the agreement was reached to determine the timeframe duration of one week to send political blocs observations on the broken laws . " . 
    Worth the current parliament , a number of phase of the past sessions, which failed political blocs all passed laws, notably the Federal Court Act, the oil and gas. In 
    turn MP Mohammed revealed that the block member of Badr, the meeting stressed the "unification of visions about the laws of the People Kalhacd and the budget, and the counting of the land, and the law of theelectoral Commission, and the law of elections, abandoning nationality acquired. " the 
    latter law had failed to parliament, a few days ago, in a presentation to the vote , despite the completion of the reading for the second time in the previous sessions. 
    the resort blocs to the tactic of prejudice to the quorum for abortion approve some laws , some of which may depend on four deputies only. 
    It is expected MP Mohammad fact that contributes to the last meeting, which he described as scarcely, on the speed of resolving these laws, and reducing the differences between the political blocs gap. 
    and missed the meeting , head of the Kurdistan Democratic parliamentary bloc, also missed members in thecluster. 

    amending the Constitution 
    and the political blocs agreed, during the meeting with the Speaker of parliament, on the formation of other committees on important issues as an amendment to the Constitution. 
    in this context , MP pointed Messenger Abu Hasna, who had attended the meeting, to "agree on theformation of a committee composed of 37 members to study the amendments to the Constitution , headed by Salim al - Jubouri. " But Abu Hasna confirms that the meeting did not specify a date in time for the end of the Commission 's recommendations in writing or development of proposals for amending the Constitution. 
    He called on the Speaker of Parliament, last July, the parliamentary blocs and personalities to present candidates for the formation of a committee of constitutional amendment. And gave al - Jubouri , then, parliamentary figures a maximum period of one week, to nominate names for the formation of a committee to amend the constitution, to be then display the names for a vote by the Council. 
    The parliament may form in 2014 a committee of deputies from different blocks, according to a document thepolitical agreement prior to forming a government Haider Abadi, in order to amend the constitution. He stopped the Commission 's work on the background of the launch of Prime Minister reforms packages. 

    Fate of the deputies 
    revealed Abu Hasna for the formation of another committee consists of 27 members, chaired by Second Deputy of Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed, for "legislation of new laws for the election commission." He stressed that "there is a near agreement on the postponement of provincial elections to June or July of next year , maximum." 
    It is supposed that the next local elections are held in April 2017. 
    He said a member of Dawa bloc that " the meeting approved the formation of a committee consisting of 19 members, headed Hamoudi, to study writing new rules of procedure of the House of Representatives. 
    He MP that the meeting discussed the issue of the deputies, and expected to issue a separation of some absent from the House of Representatives decisions "to make them an example to the rest." 
    the absence of members of the House of Representatives for the parliamentary sessions at a rate of 100 deputy at the meeting per. , and is required for the parliament to achieve a quorum in the presence of 165 deputies out of 328 deputies. 
    confirms parliamentarians that most of their colleagues who are absent from the slice traders and wealthy who Aatotheron cut 500 thousand dinars a meeting of absence from each session also endorsed by theparliament earlier. 
    as the House of Representatives in the absence without excuse, parliament tried to raise the amount of thefine to one million dinars for each session, but failed to do so.
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