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    Amendment Act local elections is likely to postpone the scheduled 6 months

    Admin Assist
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    Amendment Act local elections is likely to postpone the scheduled 6 months Empty Amendment Act local elections is likely to postpone the scheduled 6 months

    Post by Rocky Tue 06 Dec 2016, 1:43 am

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    Amendment Act local elections is likely to postpone the scheduled 6 months

     Baghdad / Wael blessing 

    The government is moving to determine themonth of September 2017 as the date for local elections , rather than the month of April of the same year. 
    But the new date, according to the Commission, does not guarantee the holding of elections in Mosul, isexpected to continue military operations until that time with. A view that was shared with UNHCR deputy governors who expect that the processes take longer than advertised. 
    It is likely that the vote of the Cabinet, in its regular Tuesday, the presumed date after he voted in anextraordinary session held, on Sunday evening, the amendments to the election law. 
    It included recent amendments to reduce the members of local councils in half, and the abolition of the boards just below the districts, as well as the adoption of a new amendment to the "St. Lego" system for thecalculation of votes. 
    He said the Information Office of the Prime Minister, on Sunday evening, said that the Council of Ministers today held an additional session "devoted to the discussion of the draft provincial and district council elections law which has hosted members of the Electoral Commission have been put up problematic issues in the law to achieve the integrated enterprise law and presented to the House of Representatives." 
    Abadi said that the Office of the "Council of Ministers voted on draft provincial and district council elections law after a number of amendments to it." 
    The Electoral Commission had announced last month, formally apologized for conducting assessments in theApril 20 provincial election 2017. The Commission Declaration, according to an official letter to the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners Serbest Mustafa to the Presidency of the Council of Representatives. 
    Before that detect and Wael al - Waeli, head of electoral administration in the Commission, for the last received a letter from the presidency of the republic confirms the three presidencies agreement to postpone provincial elections to the day of the fourth session of the House of Representatives election. 
    Revealed (range), last November, all the political blocs to an agreement, during a meeting in the house ofparliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri, the postponement of local elections for a few months only. 

    Exception Nineveh province , in 
    turn , stressed Kata Zubai, a member of the Electoral Commission, said the government has asked the recent identification earliest date on which you can conduct local elections, she replied that the "September 16 of next year." He guessed Zubai, through contact with the (range) yesterday, " The Council of Ministers will vote on Tuesday on a deadline for the elections." 
    But the Commission by suggesting that the new date does not include the holding of elections in Mosul, which is still experiencing battles, stressing " the need for OHCHR to 7 months of preparations at a minimum before the ballot." 
    In the meantime , you expect Deputy conductivity battle that goes on Mosul several months again. Since thestart of operations, which entered its 45th, Iraqi forces have freed a quarter of the city only space .. 
    says MP triumph Jubouri, a member of the Alliance forces, L (range) yesterday, "Since the month and a half and we are still in the semi - coast left space. We have many months to edit each city and re - displaced people. " And see the MP for Nineveh need to restore cohesion and coexistence to Mosul before inviting its people to the polls. She adds , "if it does not settle the situation and compensate the families of the martyrs and we reconstruction of the city, you will not make any election." 
    The Iraqi government has postponed the provinces of Nineveh and Anbar elections in 2014, for a period ofthree months due to the security situation. 

    Election law 
    confirms MP Messenger Abu Hasna, a member of Dawa bloc and member of the parliamentary committee of the regions, " The local elections will be held in September 2017 and saw" It 's enough time Commissioner for end of voter registration. "He sees Abu Hasna, in connection with the (range) yesterday that "local elections merged with the legislative will create a problem of simple voters, especially in villages , where most of them do not know to read and write." 
    presumably during this period that the government launches the amount of 619 billion dinars, as provisions demanded by the Commission to conduct local and legislative elections, after it can not be that there is no funding. 
    revealed MP Abu Hasna said the provincial councils , which the Council of Ministers recently voted the law, the amendments "included identifying the members of the provincial council , all with 10, and is increased one member per 100 thousand people, that to no more than the census members to 34". 
    the member of the Committee of the regions that "amendments included also cancel councils respects with the survival of district councils , "expected to" district elections with the provinces in one appointment. " 
    It will be election districts is the first after the only elections held in 2005. the well will depend to a new system of " St. Lego "edit dividing the vote winning on 1.7, in contrast to the formula adopted in the local and legislative elections two years. 
    The political blocs fought local elections in 2013 , according to the equation adopted Act (St Lego) to calculate the votes. The political parties have complained later that the local election law produced "concerned" alliances in the provinces. 
    According to this system, the seats are distributed through only one stage, the division of votes obtained by each entity on the individual figures for the number of seats allocated to each province. 
    Performs the search for the highest number of the results of the division to give one seat. This method isrepeated until all constituency seats exhaustion. 
    The House of Representatives has voted by majority, ahead of elections in 2013, the amendment to theprovincial councils , which became that would preserve the voices of small entities and prevents that swallowed up by the large blocs , as happened in previous ballots, according to the performers for "St. Lego" the old version election law.
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