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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Finance: Government imposes taxes on the financial budget of the People in

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Finance: Government imposes taxes on the financial budget of the People in  Empty Finance: Government imposes taxes on the financial budget of the People in

    Post by Rocky Wed 07 Dec 2016, 3:49 am

    Finance: Government imposes taxes on the financial budget of the People in 2017
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    Wed, 07 Dec 2016 06:54:23

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    # Algmehorah_uz
    A member of the Finance Committee in Parliament MP Jabbar al-Abadi, said the taxes on employees and citizens came budget sent by the government, can not be canceled or reduced only by finding new revenue doors; to avoid a government appeal.
    He said al-Abadi, said in a statement that "the budget for next year included a tax on employees by (4.8)% of the total salary, but the rope flexibility enabled the Finance Committee of the reduced to (3.8%), and this was only through the mechanism Find imports from another door in the budget; to reduce (1%), as well as the rest of the taxes voted by the budget this year, which was renovated voted on the budget of next year. "
    He continued that "these taxes and fees to balance next year's government, can not be removed; because the government is prepared by imports, and any removal of those imports presents the budget to challenge the government," pointing out that "all this increase in taxes and fees compulsion can be discarded as soon as the existence of financial delegation ".
    The House voted on 50 items out of 63 items in the budget of next year in the past sessions, and the budget will be presented for a vote on the rest of the material on Wednesday.
    A member of a coalition of state law, the Attorney emotions grace, earlier, said the National Alliance within the meetings against the ratio of the share of the Kurdistan region of 17%, and refers to the region's share in proportion to the population, and outside the meetings be with that ratio.
    He announced the National Alliance, earlier recipe agree to pass the general budget of the country for 2017, without disclose those harmonic formula, he says.

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