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    Shammari: historic compromise stillborn

    Admin Assist
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    Shammari: historic compromise stillborn Empty Shammari: historic compromise stillborn

    Post by Rocky Fri 16 Dec 2016, 3:20 am

    [ltr]Shammari: historic compromise stillborn[/ltr]
    [ltr]December 16, 2016 |10:21 -The numberofreadings: 62 Show[/ltr]

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    Network Iraqi position 


    Parliamentary bloc, a coalition of national chairman Kadhim al-Shammari, on Friday, the historic settlement was considered as "stillborn," attributing the reason that it has dealt with the Iraqi people on the basis of the components and not on the basis of citizenship, while calling those espousing to the name of the settlement to interpret what you mean defined as historic.

    Al-Shammari said that the "historic compromise stillborn," noting that "the adoption of a paper settlement made sense basically where dealing with the Iraqi people on the basis of components, making them intersect dramatically with the principles and proposals of the National Coalition of the need to be any step to resolve the differences that are built on the basis of citizenship and belonging to one unified Iraq. "

    She added, that "the national principles made parties remaining espousing the idea of ​​a settlement away from asking her thoughts on us being sure refusing to advance to participate hold such a crime against the people and the country", warning that "dealing with the national cause on the basis of ingredients meant simply to the slaughter of the Iraqi people and the future of the country and consolidate to the idea of ​​partition. "

    He stressed "the need to strengthen the voice of belonging and build a state of citizenship, rather than going to tear the social fabric to sects and nationalities, especially the popular mood interacts positively with national issues and not Almkoonatih," adding that "naming the settlement as historic, makes us wonder about the purpose of this label? Is that the settlement will resolve doctrinal differences, religious or sectarian or ethnic or political. "

    He said al-Shammari, that "all the political parties that they will deal with leveling corruption charges or sectarian We do not know who she is historical figures that will be dealt with the settlement."

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