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    Netanyahu: Obama Coordinated Anti-Israel UN Resolution, Demanded It Be Passed


    Posts : 28411
    Join date : 2013-01-12

    Netanyahu: Obama Coordinated Anti-Israel UN Resolution, Demanded It Be Passed Empty Netanyahu: Obama Coordinated Anti-Israel UN Resolution, Demanded It Be Passed

    Post by Lobo Mon 26 Dec 2016, 3:32 pm

    Netanyahu: Obama Coordinated Anti-Israel UN Resolution, Demanded It Be Passed
    December 25, 2016

    Obama Inc. is claiming that it merely stood aside and allowed an anti-Israel UN resolution to pass. Netanyahu is saying that Obama Inc. set the whole thing up.
    "From the information that we have, we have no doubt that the Obama administration initiated it, stood behind it, co-ordinated on the wording and demanded that it be passed," Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
    "Friends don't take friends to the Security Council," he said.
    Netanyahu has avoided such blunt and direct criticisms of Obama in the past. While Obama Inc. has had no problems launching nasty campaigns from the "chickenshit" smear to trying to force Netanyahu out of force, he has been more restrained. Netanyahu is clearly angry at this final betrayal and so are quite a few Israelis and American Jews.
    His claim is entirely plausible. We've seen signs before that Obama had coordinated anti-Israel UN resolutions to pressure the Jewish State before. But the goal was usually to offer protection playing good cop and bad cop. This time there's just the bad Obama.
    Netanyahu is saying that Obama didn't just stand aside and let it happen. He made it happen.

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