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    Parliamentary surprised by Bayraktar's remarks on the Khor Abdullah

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary surprised by Bayraktar's remarks on the Khor Abdullah Empty Parliamentary surprised by Bayraktar's remarks on the Khor Abdullah

    Post by Rocky Thu 09 Feb 2017, 3:10 am

    [size=30]Parliamentary surprised by Bayraktar's remarks on the Khor Abdullah[/size]
    09/02/2017 09:48 | Number of Views: 491
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    Direction Press / Baghdad
    It showed high Nassif MP, on Thursday, the spokesman's remarks judiciary Sattar Bayraktar about not receiving any federal court lawsuit about the Khawr Abd Allah agreement, while confirming that those remarks "inaccurate."
    Nassif said in a statement that "the trend Press obtained" a copy of it, that "a spokesman for the federal judiciary Sattar Bayraktar in which it was not receiving the Federal Court any lawsuit about the Khor Abdullah Agreement and the absence of a decision from the court on them, inaccurate statements."
    She said Nassif, "marvel that Bayraktar was not aware that I have filed a lawsuit with the Federal Court on the 24th of September in 2013, no more than three years included objection to the Khor Abdullah Convention being included waiver of the maritime border and make Iraq a closed state of nautical and they should have been to Atmrr in the House of Representatives voted on only after approval by a majority of two-thirds of the members of the Council, as well as it could have been challenged by 71 deputies. "
    She Nassif that "after a decision from the court dismiss the case," noting that "this case is about the sovereignty of the country and the unity and territorial integrity."
    She stressed that "if it happened in any other country a similar case related to the problems of the border to become the issue of public opinion and were preoccupied by the government, the media and civil society organizations and activists and jurists," arguing that "responded the lawsuit is not the end of the journey, Valtjaozac Kuwaiti land and water Iraq will stop sooner or later and it will retrieve all the rights of Iraq the will of the Iraqis. "
     A number of media attributed the news to a spokesman for the federal judiciary Judge Abdul Sattar Bayrakdar, on Wednesday, in which he said he "did not issue any decision on the Khor Abdullah and the Convention on the railways, we have not received a lawsuit in this regard." [size=16]sa[/size]

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