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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Iran resumes exporting electricity to Iraq after it collects on more of those billion dollars

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277173
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iran resumes exporting electricity to Iraq after it collects on more of those billion dollars Empty Iran resumes exporting electricity to Iraq after it collects on more of those billion dollars

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Feb 2017, 3:03 am

    Iran resumes exporting electricity to Iraq after it collects on more of those billion dollars[/size]
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     28 minutes ago

    Twilight News / Iranian Energy Minister Assistant in electricity affairs Houshang Flaanaan announced the signing of a new agreement to export electricity to Iraq during the current year , as Iraq has pledged to pay part of the dues amounting to one billion and 200 million dollars in this regard. 
    Houshang Flaanaan said, in a statement to Persia, that the negotiations between the two sides on the resumption of the export of electricity to Iraq and the payment of entitlements, yielded good results following the visit of the Iraqi delegation to Iran.  
    He added that the export of electricity to Iraq agreement has been extended to 2017 , where negotiations resulted from the Iraqi side promised to pay off the side of the entitlements ($ 350 million) to resume the export of electricity has hit an important part of them. 
    The Iranian electricity exports to Iraq have been stalled due to the expiration of the previous agreement and the non - payment of debts to Iraq in this regard.

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