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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sabri: The government is spending two trillion dinars per year to care for one million poor families

    Admin Assist
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    Sabri: The government is spending two trillion dinars per year to care for one million poor families Empty Sabri: The government is spending two trillion dinars per year to care for one million poor families

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Mar 2017, 1:57 am

    Sabri: The government is spending two trillion dinars per year to care for one million poor families

    Local Since 12/03/2017 23:06 pm (Baghdad time)

    Baghdad balances News
    The Iraqi government announced on Sunday it will launch a complementary system of social protection in the month of September next program, and while confirming spent more than two trillion dinars a year on the project, it unveiled a plan to develop the program.
    Saad al-Hadithi, spokesman for the Information Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi in a televised speech followed up / scales News / he "Tdamaa program of social protection will be direct from next September program is complementary to the social protection system to urge the families covered by the network, which receive social benefits on a monthly basis on the regularity of her sons study. "
    He added Sabri said the government has developed a "social protection system to cover million households and financial assignments exceed one trillion and 350 million dinars annually developed for social protection program, which commenced its application with effect from 1.7.2015."
    He added that "it was increasing the allocations in the amount of 650 billion dinars during the past year to become the total amount that the government spends annually on the program more than two billion dinars and by a lump sum of up to 225,000 dinars for each covered by social protection network family."
    He pointed out that "the government approved a comprehensive and ambitious system of social protection, starting from 2015 down to 2020, and includes social safety nets, and social security, and labor market policies have been promising this system to benefit from the expertise of a specialized international organizations and experts who are competent in this area from UNICEF and the World Bank." .
    He revealed "direct effect from the month of September of this year, the program is complementary to the social protection system to urge families covered by social protection that receive social benefits on a monthly basis on the regularity of her sons to study access is by increasing the amount of social benefit for families committed to the education of their children in schools."
    He explained that "the new program also includes encouraging families covered by a network of social protection to undergo health care for Motherhood and Childhood and commitment campaigns of vaccination against communicable diseases conducted by the Ministry of Health for mothers, infants and children to complement the government's program as part of a child protection policy, where there will be an increase in provisions for families committed to the application Healthcare".
    Sabri also pointed to "the social security program, which contributes to the inclusion of workers in the private and people with crafts and free professions social security sector and lead to the stabilization of the operating field and secure the future of all employees."
    He said that the recent program, "the mainstay of the implementation of national employment policy prepared in coordination with the specialized international bodies to reduce dependence on the state of the labor market and expand the role of the private sector towards reaching full partnership in all Maitalq the requirements of work."
    The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs announced that, in the (March 3, 2017), the discovery of 19 thousand and 755, surpassing the social protection network program during 2016, as pointed out to retrieve more than 12 billion dinars.
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