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    Iran threatens America to resume nuclear activities if non-compliance with the nuclear agreement

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iran threatens America to resume nuclear activities if non-compliance with the nuclear agreement Empty Iran threatens America to resume nuclear activities if non-compliance with the nuclear agreement

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Mar 2017, 3:46 pm

    Iran threatens America to resume nuclear activities if non-compliance with the nuclear agreement

    Threatened Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, to resume nuclear activities if the United States decided to terminate its obligations stipulated by the nuclear deal, as quoted by Fars news agency.

    During his visit to the city of Isfahan in the festival of Nowruz, Zarif pointed to the future of the nuclear deal, saying 'we feel that our interests are still linked to abide by the nuclear agreement, but if the other party decided to terminate its obligations, we are ready to resume nuclear activities'.

    The Iranian minister disclosed that, a committee was formed to oversee the agreement, as the State Department and other devices to send reports to the Committee on the cases of violation of the agreement, the Commission is considering the appropriate response.

    He said if the continuation of the nuclear deal does not bring benefit to the country 's national interests because of the lack of commitment by the United States, we will go back to the status quo ante.

    He stressed : "We are not worried at all, despite what evade the US to continue the implementation of the nuclear deal for Iran is still justified, following 'At present, the production capacity of the centrifuge evolved, and the efforts of nuclear scientists can conduct enrichment.

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 12:12 pm