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    Red Cross: 3 months before the world to save Yemen and Somalia famine

    Admin Assist
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    Red Cross: 3 months before the world to save Yemen and Somalia famine Empty Red Cross: 3 months before the world to save Yemen and Somalia famine

    Post by Rocky Thu 23 Mar 2017, 2:10 am

    Red Cross: 3 months before the world to save Yemen and Somalia famine
    History of edits:: 22/03/2017 19:45 • 57 visits readable

    {International: Euphrates News} International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Wednesday that the world has a chance of not more than three or four months to save millions of people in Yemen and Somalia famine with the destruction of drought and conflict of crops and disrupted delivery of aid to the region.
    The commission said it needs $ 300 million to fund its work in the areas of the two countries and the unrest in southern Sudan and northeastern Nigeria.
    Said Dominik Stillhart Director of the International Committee of the Red Cross operations in the world in a news briefing in Geneva , "We have probably a chance three or four months to avoid the worst - case scenario.
    He added," We have a kind of perfect storm , where the ongoing conflict interferes for a long time and increase the severity of the dangers natural, especially the drought in the Horn of Africa , which leads to the situation we now face. "
    said Bruce Orina Deputy regional Director for Africa at the Red Cross that cholera, which can kill children, spread increasingly in Somalia , while die an average of 20 people in Yemen every day as a result of disease or as a result of injuries sustained during the war.
    he said , "if we avoid these water - borne diseases we offer such large numbers of children to the scenario of a possible death." the
    Red Cross said he had asked $ 400 million for its operations in four countries , states this year did not happen of which only 100 million so far.
    he said Stillhart the United Nations has asked for about $ 5.6 billion, bringing the total funding sought to six billion dollars.
    he said "there are significant needs and of course there are significant concerns regarding the availability of financing sufficient to prevent what you said it is widespread famine, noting in 2011 was too late and slow response which led to the death of 260 thousand people from starvation in Somalia alone. "
    Said Robert Mardini , Regional Director of the Commission in the Middle East "Children are starving, this conflict pushes Yemen to famine , day after day."
    He continued international official said , " is very rare in the city and the food is not available for most Nas.anthy

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