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    London police say the name of the attacker is Khalid Masoud

    Admin Assist
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    London police say the name of the attacker is Khalid Masoud Empty London police say the name of the attacker is Khalid Masoud

    Post by Rocky Fri 24 Mar 2017, 1:54 am

    London police say the name of the attacker is Khalid Masoud

    Arab and international Since 2017-03-23 ​​at 18:35 (Baghdad time)

    Follow Mawazine News
    LONDON (Reuters) - The name of the attacker who killed three people near parliament before being shot dead by police was Khaled Masood and said he had a record of a number of criminal convictions but not terrorism-related offenses, police said.
    Police said Massoud, 52, was born in Kent, southeast of London, and recently lived in central England.
    "Massoud was not included in any ongoing investigations and there was no prior intelligence about his intention to carry out a terrorist attack," it said in a statement.
    "But he was known to the police and had a number of previous convictions of attacks including severe physical abuse, possession of offensive weapons and crimes against public order," the statement said.
    The statement said he had never been convicted of any terrorism-related crime.
    Britain's Prime Minister Teresa Mae said on Thursday that the London bomber was born in Britain and was under surveillance by the security services.
    In an address to the deputies after a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the attack, Mai said that the attacker was influenced by a sympathetic ideology. "He was previously interrogated for his connections with extremists, but he was considered a marginal figure," he said.
    "Britain is not afraid and our resolve will not be lost in the face of terrorism," she said.
    She described the car and knife attack as "an attack on free citizens everywhere".
    "We are not afraid, and our resolve will not diminish in the face of terrorism," Mai said in a speech to deputies after a minute of silence in memory of the victims of the attack.
    The attacker raided a number of pedestrians and then left them and a policeman was stabbed in front of Parliament, before being shot dead by a security man.
    Police chief Mark Rowley said three people were killed in the attack on Thursday, along with 29 people, including nine in critical condition, according to a new toll.
    "The arrest of eight people" in the context of the investigation into the attack, he said, adding that the arrests took place in six different locations in London and Birmingham (center) and others in the country.

      Current date/time is Thu 12 Sep 2024, 2:38 pm