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    Lavrov being the first telephone conversation with Tillerson after the US aggression against Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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     Lavrov being the first telephone conversation with Tillerson after the US aggression against Syria Empty Lavrov being the first telephone conversation with Tillerson after the US aggression against Syria

    Post by Rocky Sun 09 Apr 2017, 1:59 am

    Lavrov being the first telephone conversation with Tillerson after the US aggression against Syria


    Direction Press / Agencies
    He confirmed the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, during a telephone conversation with his US counterpart, Rex Tillerson , the US strikes on Syria carried out under the pretext of flimsy and serve the interests of terrorists.
    Lavrov said in the first telephone contact with Tillerson after the US strike on the Syrian hairs airport that "attacking the state is fighting terrorism not only leads to terrorism service and creates threats to regional security and global."
    The Russian minister noted that "allegations of Syrian forces using chemical weapons in Idlib on 4 April do not match reality," noting "the need for a detailed and objective investigation and professional to determine all the facts relating to this issue."
    According to the Russian Foreign Ministry statement, the two ministers agreed to "continue to examine the situation in the Syrian settlement through direct encounter" between them.
    It is anticipated that Rex Tillerson arrive in Moscow on 11 and April 12 of this visit planned long ago.

      Current date/time is Sun 08 Sep 2024, 1:54 am