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    At least 10 civilians killed by airstrike and artillery shelling on Daraa


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    At least 10 civilians killed by airstrike and artillery shelling on Daraa Empty At least 10 civilians killed by airstrike and artillery shelling on Daraa

    Post by jedi17 Mon 01 May 2017, 11:57 am

    At least 10 civilians killed by airstrike and artillery shelling on Daraa

    Daraa ( At least ten civilians were killed by an air strike and artillery shelling on the opposition headquarters in the city of Daraa, south of Syria, according to Syrian News.

    Mohamed Youssef, a Syrian Civil Defense worker, said that the city of Daraa was shelled heavily, resulting in the killing of at least 10 civilians, mostly women and children, and wounding of others.

    Meanwhile, Syrian activists said that the government sources also bombed the city with explosive barrels.

    Noteworthy, the opposition and government forces are controlling the city of Daraa since three years, while battles take place between the two parties from time to time.

    Google Maps view of the Syrian City of Daraa (highlighted in red)
    The city of Daraa consists of two area, Daraa the city that is controlled by the opposition, and Daraa the station that is controlled by the government forces.

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