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    Bribery and forgery آفتان Tnkran Iraq's economy and banking institutions

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    Bribery and forgery آفتان Tnkran Iraq's economy and banking institutions Empty Bribery and forgery آفتان Tnkran Iraq's economy and banking institutions

    Post by Rocky Sun 18 Aug 2013, 3:04 pm

    Bribery and forgery آفتان Tnkran Iraq's economy and banking institutions

    (Dialogue Ahmed Haj)

    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - August 17 / August: sparked the recent statements of the governor of Baghdad on rampant corruption in the province after the discovery of dozens of thefts and the presence of mafias and views live on commissions and transactions within his own words since تسنمه his new controversy and widespread in the community involved in trying to figure out the underlying causes behind the rampant bribery, corruption and fraud in all state institutions, which coincided with the Integrity Commission announced as the Baghdad province and one of the largest official circles abused for bribes in Iraq.

    Yes, everything has become a viable fraud in Iraq beginning in cash currency, and the end of the votes of the electorate through passports, ration card, civil status and identity, and a certificate of nationality, university degrees, and banking instruments, in honor of so and so .. And Allan.

    And Oloj in the corridors of forgery and dark Diagerh, conducted / Presse Iraq / meetings with a number of specialists and stakeholders in this regard.

    Our meeting was the first with banking expert Hussein Yassin, and we asked him about currency and how it is warping Vojabna the saying:

    "Currency is a way of trade and utilitarian, and storage of values
    ​​and savings tool, which is the link between the economy of a country and another, a tool for exchange and settling accounts."

    He said Yassin that "counterfeiting currency is a kind of the most serious types of fraud and deception and dangerous at all, and is in many ways perhaps the best known method (the camera), and the method (
    السكنر) and method (Alkwyk Kobe) and the way (the nickname Jet), note that the currency counterfeiting has serious implications devastating to the economy and the sovereignty of developing countries, making it a client and always without consuming production, industry and development, and to this major countries seeking to tamper with the economies of poor countries. "

    * What are the types of counterfeiting?

    - There are types counterfeiting counterfeiting charges handmade, counterfeiting using color imaging capabilities, and counterfeiting printing, computer-counterfeiting, and may be counterfeit partially or completely.

    And on the promotion of counterfeit currency banking asked Saad Alwan about how they are promoting's Currency Vojabna, saying:

    - In order to promote counterfeit currency must use some treasurers or employees of the companies that acted salaries and expenses, with the use of the reputation of some traders, senior unbanked who have balances large them above reproach, as well as to use the method of fraud by the great deals, or catching dupes and simpletons to pass counterfeit currency, promotion and this is what happens in Iraq after 2003 by organized crime gangs everywhere, with an inexperienced and efficiency as well as the weak people in positions of responsibility
    كأمناء of the funds and the banks and the banks, harbors, ports and border points and customs which facilitates the entry of counterfeit currency with the drug and food damaged bearing the dates of manufacture forged, as well as medicines, "Alxbaiar" industrial materials and commercial adulterated, which was subjected to forgery and fraud industrial and change the dates for running production, which caused the deaths and the destruction of thousands of innocent people in the process of genocide no less worse for car bombings that claimed the lives of innocent people in popular markets and communities!!.

    * forgery Photos and multiple forms Any forms that spread in Iraq?

    - Alwan: "types of fraud that were common in Iraq, the process of forging passports and forging the identity of personal status and citizenship certificates and give them to people from outside Iraq are becoming capacity capable of the sons of Mesopotamia and property owners and property at the same time that I arrived in the numbers of Iraqi immigrants principals up to the 4 million an average of 3 thousand immigrants a day at some point!

    Adding that "the forms of fraud in Iraq forging ratio of the population to change the demographic balance of ethnic or sectarian motives in the disputed areas.

    Do not lose sight of the real fraud checkpoints to
    سيطرات and fake, which caused at the time of the killing of thousands of innocent victims!! ".

    ding bribes to them by God, and His Messenger, Mustafa, peace be upon him when he said: God damn the briber and the bribed and Alraúh has become the norm in all the departments and institutions of the state starting queries and end Balmadra past and eye .. O dealer without modesty or shame. "

    And on the phenomenon of instruments forged occur businessman Harith al-Azzawi his opinion on the statements of general manager of the Rafidain Bank about the growing use of instruments false, saying: "The truth is that what he said recently about the escalating use of this type of instruments constitute a threat to the Iraqi economy as a whole, especially after recalling to the involvement of some official circles these instruments and get very large sums of money and sometimes reached to billions of dinars, using sophisticated technical methods difficult to detect and differentiate staff bank Ansfhm ".

    He said al-Azzawi: Agency / Iraq Press / to "get some instruments certified back to circles official bearing numbers and names of Iraqi institutions has caused us businessmen and members of chambers of commerce panic a real fear on our savings in Iraqi banks, both being of or savings."

    * through your meetings and your meetings as businessmen, what do you propose to overcome such crises and reduce the danger?

    - We propose to accelerate the government of using instruments of bar codes, which limit the fraud while urging error, to chase counterfeiters personal identities, often uses those instruments counterfeit, fake IDs also bear the names of fictitious also to help some of the staff of the weak people inside the banks and they are few on what we believe .

    With regard to the report of certificates forged which pointed to the presence of 3165 and the close study forged prominent members of the House of Representatives and general managers and members of the provincial and municipal councils, we met Mr. Mazen Mohammed, and we asked him on the subject, Vojabna saying: "What announced it was not strange to us in the absence of regulation and supervision Educational institutions Educational, in addition to the assassination of competencies and the displacement of many of them out of Iraq, these things combined have led to the discovery of more than 4,000 documents, seminars and degree forged, belonging to students, employees and applicants for education in various formations ministerial and added Mazen that "a number of residents in The Netherlands and Germany have received certificates from the Open University in the Netherlands, which granted certificates against a sum of money without making any effort scientific and terms of reference very sensitive and important physics nuclear, in addition to the existence of institutions and fake works to facilitate the access of Iraqi students at desks in India and Ukraine, and the presence of 12 community college work without the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. "

    Unfortunately, it really is to become bribes conventionally bad long organs of the State, without exception, even if the Iraqi citizen helpless if they forced him circumstances to pursue his business in any ministry or government department, he already knows that he has to accompany him in addition to the ration card and personal photos and identity Status sum of money (for the fat to walk) as they are called locally, but the transaction will go unheeded, just as he went home and its impacts, and civilization, and wealth, and competencies and all that is beautiful in Mesopotamia without permission, and omits these the words of the Prophet peace be upon him : (May God curse the briber and the bribed and Alraúh), and Alraúh is the mediator in this process, and unfortunately it also become bribes taken for granted by the citizen when he went to any institution to complete the transaction official, and long-Iraq's wealth of forging grotesque practiced responsible for reconstruction Iraq resulted in the theft of hundreds of billions, and today is evident that it is imperative that the State shall take measures real deterrent beaten hands
    المرتشية and counterfeit and Sharjah, and tighten control over state institutions, including makings To get rid of these people and their ilk of spoilers, to promote the state its institutions scientific, educational and service and others, again, play a role in state-building. Ended

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    DieHard Investor
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    Bribery and forgery آفتان Tnkran Iraq's economy and banking institutions Empty Re: Bribery and forgery آفتان Tnkran Iraq's economy and banking institutions

    Post by wayoutnow Mon 19 Aug 2013, 12:02 am

    Sounds like every bank will have a deluru machine , check that currency out !!!! If ain't gonna be worth any thing why worry about it !!!! Lol

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