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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Claims to take the position of the optical demarcation of the maritime border with Kuwait and approv

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    Claims to take the position of the optical demarcation of the maritime border with Kuwait and approv Empty Claims to take the position of the optical demarcation of the maritime border with Kuwait and approv

    Post by Rocky Tue 27 Aug 2013, 4:48 am

    Claims to take the position of the optical demarcation of the maritime border with Kuwait and approval by Parliament

    TUESDAY, AUGUST 27 / AUGUST 2013 10:20

    Twilight News / student member of the provincial council in Basra, Mohammed al-Mansoori, Tuesday, council members take a "crucial" to the issue of the demarcation of the maritime border in southern Iraq, with the exception of the Convention on the Regulation navigation which was approved by the House of Representatives a few days ago it was "prejudice" against the people of the province of Basra .

    And Mansouri said in an interview for "Twilight News", that "the channel Khawr Abd Allah is the waterway only linking Iraq world countries all over the Arabian Gulf and extending this channel from the point of confluence of international waters north of the Gulf until its contacts Incense Zubair," noting that "port Umm Qasr, part of which is the economic heart of Iraq and the only outlet. "

    The House of Representatives approved on Thursday a majority of the Convention on the organization of navigation in the Khawr Abd Allah border with Kuwait amid objections of some political forces, which accused the parliament to sell the borders of Iraq to Kuwait.

    He Mansouri said that "this agreement need to be technical experts and Basra is the only one where there are technical and legal, and we are not against relations with Kuwait, but not at the expense of the people of Basra, Iraq," and urged "the Governor and Chairman of the Board and the mass of the coalition of Basra, first, which is the largest bloc in view in this matter. "

    He added that this "cluster name them and move seriously about the topic because it prejudice the right of the people of the province of Basra," expressing his surprise at the "existence of a general silence about this matter, and is related to the children of Basra, Iraq's economy."

    He stressed that "this matter needs to be legal and technicians to put points on the characters," appealing to the Basra Governorate Council "to hold an urgent meeting regarding this matter."

    The Iraqi government has signed agreements with Kuwait regarding pending issues for a long time including those linked to the demarcation of the border and maritime regulation and compensation and other invasion.

    These adjustments are paid by the UN Security Council to vote in favor of removing Iraq from Chapter VII, which imposed the beginning of the nineties of the last century after the regime of Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait.

      Current date/time is Mon 20 Jan 2025, 8:43 am