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    Netanyahu says Iran not allowed setting up military presence in Syria

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277234
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Netanyahu says Iran not allowed setting up military presence in Syria Empty Netanyahu says Iran not allowed setting up military presence in Syria

    Post by Rocky Mon 26 Jun 2017, 6:24 am

    Netanyahu says Iran not allowed setting up military presence in Syria

    June 26 2017 02:12 PMBenjamin Netanyahu Benjamin Netanyahu

    Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday his country would never allow Iran to establish a permanent presence in Syria or to arm Hezbollah militias, according to the Jerusalem Post.

    Netanyahu's comments came at the weekly cabinet meeting came a day after the Israeli Army responded to mortar fire from Syria by attacking Syrian army targets across the border.

    “Our policy is clear,” he said. “We will not accept any kind of 'drizzle, not of mortars, rockets, or spillover fire [from the Syrian Civil War]. We respond with force to every attack on our territory and against our citizens.”

    Netanyahu has said repeatedly that Israel will act to prevent game-changing weapons from reaching Hezbollah through Syria, to prevent the establishment of a permanent Iranian military presence on its border, and to keep rockets from being fired from Syria into Israel.

      Current date/time is Mon 09 Sep 2024, 8:11 pm