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    Qatar raises conditions and threaten to get out of the Gulf Cooperation Council within days

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Qatar raises conditions and threaten to get out of the Gulf Cooperation Council within days Empty Qatar raises conditions and threaten to get out of the Gulf Cooperation Council within days

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Jul 2017, 4:01 am

    Qatar raises conditions and threaten to get out of the Gulf Cooperation Council within days

    Tuesday July 11, 2017 11:11

    sent Qatari Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani, a speech to the Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Abdul Latif bin Rashid Al Zayani, ensure conditions for Doha, threatening that Qatar will emerge from the Gulf Cooperation Council if they are not met in a few days.

    According to news agency MENA, that the country 's chief diplomat said in his letter, "that his country is committed to international laws and conventions at the top of the fight against terrorism and its financing, and the required boycott violates international law and is considered an interference in the internal affairs that we refuse to negotiate around it ."
    Qatar's Foreign Minister: the demands made unacceptable under international law
    Abadi receives Qatar's Foreign Minister receives an official invitation to visit Doha

    Qatari minister stressed that his country after what he described as the harsh siege , "We will not negotiate about our sovereignty and reject completely unacceptable, and the tutelage of any country on the State of Qatar and its people, and we repeated over the door of an open dialogue on the humanitarian basis and in accordance with international laws in order to save the unity of the Gulf grade and adhere to the unity of the Cooperation Council for the Gulf States Arab, but the boycott of the Qatar Council states to take advantage of its ambitions in the region and the world based on the erroneous actions, and became a Gulf state to decide to place the rest of the Gulf states. "

    Threatened Qatari Foreign Minister states that Doha will emerge from the Gulf Cooperation Council if it is not met its conditions in a few days, he said in this regard , according to the source, the State of Qatar slowed the Gulf province states three days from the date of sending this message to lift the siege on Qatar and compensate for the political and economic losses It contained it and its people dear, and after the completion of this period officially we will announce our exit from the cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf States will not commit ourselves to the previous and subsequent of its decisions. "

    She drew the Middle East news agency to the absence of any official confirmation at the time of Qatar or the Gulf cooperation Council on this message.

    this , And Shirt Some news sites image message Qatari Foreign Minister holds the same content, but that there is no official confirmation about it .

    The letter attributed to the foreign minister of Qatar dated July 6, which means that the deadline contained ended without the issuance of the positions on them by the parties concerned .

    all of this is likely to be forged this document and the news as a whole, a spark from a media war raging fire to overcome some of what is published in the framework of reasonable and logical.

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 3:44 pm