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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Syrian army and Hezbollah launch a process to clear the Lebanese-Syrian border from the "militants"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277299
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Syrian army and Hezbollah launch a process to clear the Lebanese-Syrian border from the "militants" Empty Syrian army and Hezbollah launch a process to clear the Lebanese-Syrian border from the "militants"

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Jul 2017, 2:46 am

    Syrian army and Hezbollah launch a process to clear the Lebanese-Syrian border from the "militants"

    Friday, July 21,

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    Syrian army units and Lebanese Hezbollah forces launched a massive military operation to clear the Syrian-Lebanese border from "armed terrorist elements" on Friday.

    The military information department said that "the military attack to clear the wells of Arsal and the penitent of the terrorist militants started from two axes in multiple directions for each axis," indicating that "the first axis of the Syrian town of Flitah towards the positions of Nasra Front in its inventory in Western Kalamoun, South of Arsal inventory towards the heights and fortifications of terrorists Nasra Front north and east of Jerd Arsal. "

    "There is no specific time for the operation and it will speak for itself and will proceed according to the planned stages," said an official in the operations command at Jarud Arsal.

    The units of the army and the party have been bombarded since the first minutes of the operation, to the gatherings and points of deployment and fortifications and positions of Nasra Front in Dahr al-Hawa and the site of Al-Mazzah and the highlands of Wadi Al-Khail and the Bee Division in Jaroud Arsal.

      Current date/time is Wed 11 Sep 2024, 1:29 am