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    The Syrian army opens safe corridors for civilians to get out of tenderness

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Syrian army opens safe corridors for civilians to get out of tenderness Empty The Syrian army opens safe corridors for civilians to get out of tenderness

    Post by Rocky Fri 21 Jul 2017, 3:06 am

    The Syrian army opens safe corridors for civilians to get out of tenderness

    July 21, 2017

    A military field source said in remarks carried by the "Iraqi position", Friday (July 21st), that the Syrian army and allied forces, has opened four safe corridors for the people of Raqqa civilians.

    The source added that the organization "Da'ash" terrorist acts illegally on civilians, as a kind of pressure as a result of advances, which the Syrian army supported by Russian-Syrian aviation, so we had to intervene to protect civilians and rescue them, and the opening of safe corridors to exit, and those who wish to settle and return to his life Natural.

    The source pointed out that many families, women, children and the elderly, have left Al-Raqqa, that all the necessary humanitarian needs have been arranged and that the necessary measures have been taken to place them in safe areas.

    The military source said: "Vkhkkh organization calls the terrorist all the roads and the entrances and exits of the neighborhoods leading to the points of concentration of the Syrian army, to block access of civilians to the liberated areas."

      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 9:34 pm