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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Tens of Afghans killed by a joint attack by the Taliban and "da'ash"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Tens of Afghans killed by a joint attack by the Taliban and "da'ash" Empty Tens of Afghans killed by a joint attack by the Taliban and "da'ash"

    Post by Rocky Mon 07 Aug 2017, 4:16 am

    Tens of Afghans killed by a joint attack by the Taliban and "da'ash"

    Monday, August 7

    said an Afghan military source, that some 50 people were killed , an attack was carried out by elements of the "movement of the Taliban " and the organization of Daesh "in an Afghan village, according to British newspaper The Guardian.

    According to officials, a checkpoint , gunmen attacked in Mirza Ulang village in the Siad area North of the northern state of Srebl, and set fire to 30 houses,

    said Zabihullah Amani, spokesman for the governor of the province, the majority of the victims of the tribes of Hzara and killed "brutally and inhumanly."
    Berlin calls for peace talks with Taliban
    20 Afghan policemen killed in Taliban attack on security centers

    The Guardian reported that many details of the attack, including the identity of the militants was not immediately clear, but Amani confirmed that they were a mixed group of militants "Taliban" and "Daash", however, the "Taliban" denied any involvement in the crime , Saying the claim was "malicious propaganda".

    A senior government official in Kabul said a large number of security forces would be sent to the scene, including from the Afghan air force.

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