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    Al-Muthanna prepares to open border port of Jamima with Saudi Arabia

    Admin Assist
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    Al-Muthanna prepares to open border port of Jamima with Saudi Arabia Empty Al-Muthanna prepares to open border port of Jamima with Saudi Arabia

    Post by Rocky Fri 11 Aug 2017, 3:13 am

    Al-Muthanna prepares to open border port of Jamima with Saudi Arabia

    Muthanna - The Journal News

    Muthanna Governor Faleh al-Ziyadi announced on Friday his province's readiness to reopen the Jumayma border post with Saudi Arabia after completing maintenance work and supplying it with necessary equipment.

    Zayadi said in a statement to the reporter «Journal News» that "the stages of maintenance of the port of Jamimia reached advanced stages and under the supervision of a committee by the Ministry of the Interior and customs to detect the location of its needs."

    He added that "the maintenance work includes extensive rehabilitation of roads in the port road include asphalt operations, drilling rigging, traffic signs, as well as the rehabilitation and maintenance of the ground port and its technical monitoring through the processing of cameras with sophisticated surveillance and communication lines and the Internet. "He said.

    He pointed out that "determining the mechanism of work for the port with the Saudi side is the main point in the implementation process, which will be used as an economic route to the province and the availability of employment opportunities and commercial movement and activate the road transport between the two countries."

    And the opening date between Ziadi, "it is hoped to open after Eid al-Adha, and the agreement with the Saudi side is to be used as a land corridor to enter the pilgrims and then to exchange commercial goods and the passage of passengers to the two countries."

    It is noteworthy that the port of Jamima border between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, was closed after the Gulf War in 1991, and was previously used for trade between the two countries, and the crossing point of passengers and convoys of Hajj.

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