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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jubouri: Iraq has passed the stage of «urging» and waiting for the support of the international comm

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    Jubouri: Iraq has passed the stage of «urging» and waiting for the support of the international comm Empty Jubouri: Iraq has passed the stage of «urging» and waiting for the support of the international comm

    Post by Rocky Sat 19 Aug 2017, 3:13 am

    Jubouri: Iraq has passed the stage of «urging» and waiting for the support of the international community

    19/8/2017 12:00 am

    MPs called Kirkuk to agree on a conservative election law
    Baghdad / Al- Sabah
    confirmed the President of the House of Representatives, Salim al - Jubouri, Iraq has overcome sensitive and difficult stage of its history represented salvation from «Daesh», and pointed out that he expected the international community to assist in reconstruction and the return of displaced persons file, stressing On the importance of the role of the tribes in bridging the brothers between the segments of society, while called on the deputies of Kirkuk to overcome the differences and the speed of agreement on the election law in the province.
    According to statements to the Office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, received by «morning», that al-Jubouri reviewed, when receiving the Ambassador of the European Union to Iraq Patrick Simoneh, and the delegation accompanying him on the occasion of the end of his duties in Iraq, «the most prominent political and security developments in the country as well as discuss bilateral relations between Iraq and the European Union countries, "noting that" the Iraqi forces continue to prepare for the liberation of the remaining territory controlled by gangs and calling for crime, particularly Tal Afar and Hawija and areas west of Anbar and Iraq needs to stand with the international community.
    Al-Jubouri added that «Iraq has passed a difficult and sensitive period of its history was the salvation of the organization is urging and is waiting for the international community to assist in the file of reconstruction and the return of displaced people to their areas after the provision of necessary services in them», adding that «Iraq is waiting for more support, especially in the file of relief families The rehabilitation of the infrastructure damaged by the military operations, and the importance of supporting efforts to achieve civil peace. "
    For his part, Simoneh stressed «the continued support of Iraq in its war against terrorism», pointing out «the keenness of the countries of the Union to maintain cooperation and at all levels and contribute to reconstruction projects and provide the necessary expertise».
    In his meeting with deputies of the province of Kirkuk in parliament in the presence of Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Aram Sheikh Mohammed, the President of the legislative authority «the election law and the security and political reality in the province», calling on the deputies of Kirkuk to «overcome differences and the speed of agreement on the election law in the province».
    He stressed Jubouri «need to work to find solutions to the points of disagreement between the political blocs on the election law and not deprive the people of Kirkuk to choose their representatives in the provincial council as a constitutional entitlement and legal».
    "The importance of working to solve the problems of the province of Kirkuk at the security and service levels," Jubouri stressed, "stressing the importance of freeing Hawija and other areas in Kirkuk, and ensure the safe return of displaced people to all areas that are liberated.
    In the meantime, the President of the House of Representatives stressed that « the achievement of the principles of democracy still needs to be more continuous work and provide an atmosphere of constructive dialogue to resolve all the problems facing the country».
    Jubouri said during a meeting with the General Secretariat of the pool (Renaissance Generation) headed by Ali Khalil Al-Ali: "The role of the citizen in building the country is important and necessary during the current stage, and that the diagnosis of imbalance is a duty of all Iraqis by expressing their opinion freely and encouraging freedom of expression in accordance with the Iraqi constitution guaranteeing all Iraqis."

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