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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Traders: stop dealing with banking companies in the Kurdistan causing higher commodity prices

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Traders: stop dealing with banking companies in the Kurdistan causing higher commodity prices Empty Traders: stop dealing with banking companies in the Kurdistan causing higher commodity prices

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 Oct 2017, 8:04 am

    Traders: stop dealing with banking companies in the Kurdistan causing higher commodity prices

    Monday, 16 October 2017 15:20

    Alsumaria News / Baghdad

    , said traders, on Monday, to stop dealing with the banking companies in the province of Kurdistan caused a rise in commodity prices, demanding to take appropriate measures in this regard.

    One traders said called (Hussein Ahmed) in an interview with Alsumaria's News, said that " to stop dealing with the banking companies in the Kurdistan region , the process has caused the rise in commodity prices in the markets."

    He called Ahmed to "take appropriate measures so that this does not cause it to affect the lives of ordinary citizens."

    In addition, traders questioned another named (Haider Sadek) in an interview with Alsumaria News for, "Who is behind the stop banking institution dealing with companies in the Kurdistan region and accredited to the Registrar of Companies in Baghdad , local and foreign banks or the Central Bank of Iraq ."

    He added that "everything that happens from high commodity prices in the market and the price of the dollar exchange rate , which in turn is reflected on the average citizen owner of the limited income question Alaijah fee."

    Revealed a parliamentary source, in (28 September 2017), a document was read in the House of Representatives and the postponement of the vote on include the recommendations of the Parliamentary Finance Committee to impose sanctions on the Kurdistan region, in response to the referendum that took place in the twenty - fifth of September this.

    He also stressed the decision of the parliamentary Finance Committee Ahmed Haji , in (Sunday , 20 August 2017), the Central Bank of Iraq lingered procedures for the opening of a subsidiary bank in the Kurdistan region.

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