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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    British newspaper: What the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, but destroyed by the other hand

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    British newspaper: What the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, but destroyed by the other hand Empty British newspaper: What the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, but destroyed by the other hand

    Post by Rocky Wed 08 Nov 2017, 3:22 am

    British newspaper: What the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, but destroyed by the other hand

    10:30 - 08/11/2017

    British newspaper: What the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, but destroyed by the other hand %D9%85%D8%AD%D9%85%D8%AF-%D8%A8%D9%86-%D8%B3%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86-1-696x435
    Information / Baghdad ..
    Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is being built by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, but he is working to destroy it with the other hand, the British Financial Times reported on Wednesday, describing what took place in Saudi Arabia last Saturday as a "political shock."
    "The political turmoil that hit the Middle East on Saturday evening is one of the most dramatic changes that have seen the removal of the son of the late King Mteeb bin Abdullah, the likely rival of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the commander of the Royal Guard and the arrest of many Princes, including billionaire Walid bin Talal. "
    "The Crown Prince's ambitions are so great that they are beginning to flounder. He wants Saudi Arabia to have a liberal system similar to the years before 1979, which raised panic in the royal family."
    She pointed out that "his economic program aims to get rid of his country's dependence on oil, adding that the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia knows that reform in the country needs a radical change, including combating corruption and take a firm stance from Iran.
    "The war in Yemen cost millions of dollars. If it were invested in Saudi Arabia, it would have brought many of the functions that the crown prince promises to his people," she said. "What the crown prince builds in hand destroys with the other hand." Ending / 25

      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 2:25 am